2013 Employment, Social Security and Housing closed consultationsEmployment protection for Armed Forces ReservistsDo you have views about whether reservists should have specific employment rights?Closed: 06 December, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingCode of practice on safety in the use of machinery in the workplaceComments are welcomed on the new ACoP on safety in the use of machinery in the workplaceClosed: 29 November, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingDisciplinary and grievance procedures code of practiceGive us your views on revised disciplinary and grievance procedures code of practiceClosed: 07 November, 2013Type:White paperDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingMinimum wage consultationDo you have any comments on the minimum wage rate from April 2014?Closed: 09 August, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingRecruitment and Placement of SeafarersSeafarer recruitment and placement businesses are invited to comment on proposed changes to the Code of Conduct that applies to employment agencies.Closed: 19 April, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingCodes of Practice - Employment ForumThe Employment Forum is consulting on three codes of practice that have been updated for the purposes of the Employment Law. Tell us what you think.Closed: 01 April, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and HousingUnfair dismissal qualifying periodThe Employment Forum is reviewing the qualifying period for protection against unfair dismissal. Closed: 15 March, 2013Type:OtherDepartment:Employment, Social Security and Housing Body Content