2022 Treasury and Exchequer closed consultationsConsultation on the proposal to move to a Tax TribunalThe purpose of this consultation is to examine the benefit of a tax tribunal for disputes related to decisions of Revenue Jersey.Closed: 06 January, 2023Type:White paperDepartment:Treasury and ExchequerReflections on OECD Pillars 1 and 2Tax policy reflections on the OECD two-pillar approach to updating international tax lawsClosed: 30 June, 2022Type:White paperDepartment:Treasury and ExchequerConsultation on proposed changes to the current 31 December corporate income tax return filing deadlineThe Minister for Treasury and Resources is proposing to change the corporate income tax filing deadline to reduce the burden on taxpayers.Closed: 14 April, 2022Type:White paperDepartment:Treasury and ExchequerConsultation on new rules for the provision of information by partnerships to Revenue JerseyAs a result of new rules in Jersey on economic substance requirements for partnerships, Revenue Jersey is proposing to change the way it interacts with partnerships and their partnersClosed: 31 March, 2022Type:White paperDepartment:Treasury and Exchequer Body Content