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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

How to get a registration card

​​​​​​​​​​When you need a registration card

You’ll need a registration card if you:

  • move to Jersey
  • move house
  • start a new job

Moving house or job (registration cards)

Applying for a registration card

If you already have a Social Security number

You can apply for a registration card by completing our online form.

To complete this form you’ll need to have set up your Digital ID.

If you do not have a Digital ID you can call +44 (0) 1534 444444 for help.

If you are not a British or Irish national, you must confirm that you have a valid immigration permission allowing you to both live and work in Jersey.

Examples of immigration permission include:

  • work permit and visa
  • Settled or Pre-settled status or confirmation that you have applied to the EU Settlement scheme
  • Indefinite leave to remain
  • spouse or partner visa
  • work permit dependent visa
  • UK Ancestry visa
  • EEA family permit

Apply for a registration card

Book an appointment with the service hub

If you don’t already have a Social Security number

You’ll need to register with Employment, Social Security and Housing where you can apply for your first registration card. Your details will also be shared with Social Security, the Taxes Office and Health and Care Jersey.

Register as a Jersey resident and apply for your first registration card

Cost of registration card

A registration card is free if you're entitled or entitled for work.

If you are licensed or registered, your card will cost ÂŁ86​​.

Documents to prove your identity or residence in Jersey

CircumstancesGaining residential statusDocuments needed
Born in JerseyYou must live in Jersey for total combined period of 10 years

If you have housing qualifications, we should have your records but you can confirm this over the phone.

You'll need photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card).

If you don't already have housing qualifications, you'll need:

  • valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card)
  • original birth certificate
  • school attendance dates form
Not born in Jersey and moved here after age 16. Do not have entitled parentYou must live in Jersey for a continuous period of 10 years immediately before applying for a card

You'll need valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card).

If you don't have a 10 year continuous employment record here, you'll need proof to cover any gaps like:

  • landlord references
  • bank statements in your sole name
Not born in Jersey and moved here before age 20. Have an entitled parentYou must live in Jersey for a total combined period of 10 years, starting before the age of 20 and completed before the age of 40

You'll need:

  • valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card)
  • original birth certificate (showing your parents' names)

If you don't have a 10 year employment record here, you'll need evidence to prove you've lived here for a combined period of 10 years.

These 10 years must start before the age of 20 and be completed before the age of 40

Not born in Jersey and moved here before age 16You must live in Jersey for a continuous period of 10 years immediately before applying for a card

You'll need valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card).

If you don't have a 10 year continuous employment record here, you'll need proof to cover any gaps.

Entitled for workLived here for a continuous period of 5 years immediately before applying

You'll need valid photo ID (or example, passport or National Identity card).

If you don't have a 5 year continuous employment record in Jersey, you'll need proof to cover any gaps like:

  • landlord references
  • bank statements in your sole name 
​Entitled for work
Spouse, civil partner or eligible partner of someone entitled, entitled for work or licensed

You’ll need: 

  • valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card)
  • original marriage or civil partnership certificate, or evidence of an enduring relationship  

We’ll also check that your spouse, civil partner or eligible partner’s status is valid.  

If your spouse, civil partner or eligible partner is licensed, you’ll need an original signed and dated form from their employer.

LicensedEssential employee employed by the States of Jersey or a local business allowed to employ licensed people

You'll need:

  • valid photo ID (for example, passport or National Identity card)
  • signed and dated form from your employer saying you've been given licensed status
RegisteredNone of the categories above apply. Usually if you've been here less than 5 years, you work seasonally, or you have been away for periods

You'll need valid photo ID. For example, passport or National Identity card

Proof needed for residency

We accept the following documents to prove your residence.

School attendance dates

Fill out the form and you can return it to us, either by:

  • post
  • email
We’ll contact your school(s) to get your attendance dates and we'll post your registration card to you if your 10 years residency is confirmed and you're currently living in Jersey. 

School attendance dates form

Landlord references

You can either get:

  • a letter or email from previous landlord(s) where your landlord saw you on at least a monthly basis
  • a letter or email from the resident manager / caretaker (for example, if living in a registered Lodging House, with dates taken from written records from the Lodging House Register or rent book)

Bank statements

You can provide bank statements that show monthly cash transactions in Jersey. These bank statements must be in your name only.

Application for a licensed registration card

To prove your Licensed status, complete the Application for a Licensed Registration Card. This application form must be signed and dated by the employer. It must be dated within the last month, and should confirm that you (or your spouse) have been given this status.

Application for licensed registration card

How to evidence an eligible partner 

You need to show you meet the relationship requirements for a full two-year period. 

You must provide strong evidence as outlined in the table below. 

Examples of weak evidence include:

  • communication records (certified transcripts)   
  • photographs of times spent together    
  • written statements from applicant 
  • letters of support from family, friends, family doctors, religious or tribal leaders

If you have already satisfied Jersey Customs and Immigration that you have been in a relationship akin to marriage for a minimum period of two years to receive your current immigration permission, no further evidence is required.

​Enduring relationship
Strong evidence​Acceptable evidence​

These documents should show both names, or should link the person who is applying as a partner and their partner to the same address over time

  • ​tenancy agreement
  • mortgage agreement
  • letter from landlord
  • documents of ownership deeds  â€Żâ€Ż 
  • utility bills, for example council tax, electricity, gas, water
  • other bills, for example phone, TV licence, cable TV   â€Żâ€Ż 
  • other official documents, for example driving licences, GP / medical letters, payslips, correspondence from government departments or agencies including evidence that you have declared your relationship to the appropriate government bodies, Revenue / DWP / HMRC letters 

  • ​electoral register confirmation    
  • documentation issued by a student finance body that shows a UK address      
  • other dated, addressed domestic bills, for example, veterinary bills or home services / repairs   

​Shared financial responsibilities
  • ​bank statements (joined or individual)
    mortgage agreement 
  • mortgage agreement 
  • ​insurances
  • car finances
  • joined purchases receipts    
  • other domestic bills such as home services / repairs or veterinary bills      

​Other evidence showing genuine and subsisting relationship (when apart)
  • ​money transfers
  • bank transactions    
  • birth certificate of children (where relevant)    
  • temporary work contract / employment letter   
  • study course documents
  • ​flight / train / bus tickets
  • holiday bookings

Confirmation from another Government of Jersey Departments

You can get a letter or email from another Government of Jersey Department, for example:

  • Children’s Services​
  • Probation
  • Health and Care Jersey

You must have been seen on at least a monthly basis.

You can get a letter or email from the hospital or other specialists to confirm the dates of your appointments.

Make sure all written references include your full name and / or your Social Security number.

As part of our verification process, we may need to contact anyone who provides a reference on your behalf.


Letters can be sent to:

Employment, Social Security and Housing​
Union Street
St Helier
JE2 ​3DN​

Le​gislation administered under the Control of Housing and W​ork Law​

Find out more about housing and work legislation in Jersey.​

Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 on Jersey Law

Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Jersey) Orde​r 2013 on Jersey Law

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