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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

UK Affairs and European Relations

​​UK Affairs

The UK Affairs team plays a leading role in developing and advancing the Government of Jersey's political, diplomatic, business, and cultural relationships and interests in the UK, and more widely.

The UK Affairs team sits within the Government of Jersey London Office, the UK overseas office of the Government of Jersey, established in September 2013. The office is located in Westminster, London.

The team works closely with colleagues in the Global Relations team and the European Relations team, some of whom are also based in the Government of Jersey London Office, to support the development and maintenance of networks with the London-based diplomatic community. The UK Affairs team also works hand-in-glove with fellow overseas offices: the Channel Islands Brussels Office (CIBO) in Belgium, and the Bureau des ĂŽles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN) in France.

There is also close collaboration with the International Trade Unit, which leads on engagement with the UK over post-Brexit trading relationships, including implementation of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).

Areas of focus

Engagement across Westminster, Whitehall, and wider UK society, led by the UK Affairs team, plays an important role in:

  • ensuring that Jersey's position and policy priorities are understood and addressed by decision makers and commentators throughout the UK
  • assisting Government of Jersey colleagues in attracting inward investment and tourism to the Island.
  • being a point of contact and resource for the Jersey community in the UK.

UK Parliamentary Engagement

The UK Affairs team supports interactions between Jersey Ministers and priority UK Parliamentarians across the political spectrum, including at UK party conferences. Engagement with UK Parliamentarians helps to increase awareness of Jersey's interests in a UK context, mitigate emerging threats to Jersey's constitutional position, and improve perceptions of Jersey.

UK Government Engagement

The functionality of the day-to-day relationship between the UK and the Government of Jersey is managed between the UK Ministry of Justice as the primary 'dock' into Whitehall, and the Ministry of External Relations in the Government of Jersey. The Government of Jersey also enjoys direct and positive working relationships with a range of other UK government departments including the Department for International Trade on Jersey's participation in the UK's Free Trade Agreements, and the Department for Health and Social Care on Covid-19 response. The Government of Jersey's engagement with UK government departments is fundamental to ensuring a strong, positive relationship is maintained with the UK in a post-Brexit context across the whole breadth of Jersey's interests.

Maintaining Jersey-UK people to people links

The UK Affairs team provides support and consular assistance to Jersey people living in the UK and travelling abroad. In addition, the UK Affairs team plays a proactive role in building links with the Jersey 'diaspora' community in the UK through events, campaigns, and social media activity.

More information

Government of Jersey London Office.

The latest information on events, campaigns led by the Government of Jersey London Office, and Jersey-UK policy developments, can be found on the following online social media channels:

Government of Jersey London Office Twitter
Government of Jersey London Office LinkedIn
Jersey in the UK Facebook Page

European Relations

The European Relations team consists of three officers based in the Jersey London Office. The team aims to further Jersey's interests and international profile with European partners in London and European capitals, while supporting the activities of the Channel Islands Brussels Office at EU level, the Bureau des Iles Anglo Normandes in the French regions, UK Affairs, Global Relations Team, and the International Trade Unit. More broadly, the team cooperates with policy colleagues across Government, as well as a cross section of Arm's Length Organisations and external stakeholders. 

The team has three main objectives: 

  • increase the positive visibility and understanding of Jersey
  • improve access to and influence key stakeholders
  • further specific Jersey interests within Europe

Areas of focus

The team operates in accordance with Jersey's Common Policy for External Relations. The team's work includes engagement with European embassies in London, bilaterally in European capitals, and supporting inward engagement with the Government of Jersey. The team works and cooperates with priority partners across a wide range of mutual interests. These include, but are not limited to:

  • digital
  • climate
  • sustainable finance
  • education
  • culture

Of these partners, developing and enhancing relations with France, Jersey's closest neighbour, is a key priority for the European Relations team. The Jersey-France relationship is hugely important, underpinned not just by our geographical proximity, but by centuries of cultural, commercial, linguistic, personal, and historic connections. 

The team recognise the many common interests at both regional and national level, and, together with the Bureau des Iles Anglo Normandes, will work to build relationships and develop and implement projects that facilitate further cooperation.

Notwithstanding placing special emphasis on France, the European Relations team will also endeavour to maintain positive bilateral relations with other European nations, including particular focus on those which have the largest diaspora communities resident on the Island and those within the network of Honorary Consuls. This will be done on the basis of engagement with the European diplomatic community in London, directly in European capitals, and with communities in Jersey. 

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