25 March 2025
The aim of this initiative is to offer general event guidance in relation to health and safety matters where there is a work activity at public events. It is not to identify hazards, or suggest control measures on specific events. Better risk management and compliance with the law will lead to a safer event and reduce time and effort spent reviewing future event plans.
This initiative will address the poor standard of documentation being submitted to the Bailiff’s Panel. Frequently event plans are submitted either without a risk assessment or the risk assessment has been neither suitable nor sufficient.
It is clear from some documentation being received that a simple “copy and paste” exercise is being adopted. No review is being undertaken after the event for any lessons learnt to be taken forward.
Legal Requirements
Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989 (HSW Law)
Article 3 of the HSW Law places a duty on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all their employees.
Article 5 of the HSW Law places a duty on employers to conduct their undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons other than their employees, which includes members of the public and sub-contractors, are not exposed to risk to their health or safety.
Where risk assessments are identified as being neither suitable nor sufficient, the HSI will advise the Bailiff’s Chambers in writing.
Event organiser/s will be contacted and informed that their risk assessment falls short of what is required under the HSW Law. They will be offered the opportunity to discuss the event, either over the telephone or in person.
The following points will be made clear to the organiser:
- the advice will be general, covering points the HSI would expect to see at all events. It will not be a tick list for them to address
- the HSI will not approve any risk assessment, the risk remains with the organiser to manage
- any updated documentation is to be submitted to the Bailiff’s Chambers and not to the HSI
Enforcement expectation
This initiative is to improve risk management and compliance against legal requirements, and to offer advice and guidance where appropriate. It is not expected that any enforcement will be required as any interaction will take place prior to the event taking place.