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Loading and unloading from vehicles at work

13 February 2025

​​​The Health and Safety Inspectorate would like to remind duty holders of industry led standards that set out how to appropriately manage the associated risks of loading and unloading from vehicles. 

The Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989 requires dutyholders to do what is reasonably practicable to manage risks and the below defined industry standards provides what would be considered reasonably practicable. 

The National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC): SG30:09 Working from vehicles.

The document focuses on loading and unloading scaffolding materials from vehicles, to ensure that suitable and sufficient assessments of the risks and methods of work are undertaken and to ensure the safety of scaffolding operatives and others who may be affected by their work. 

NAS SG30:08 working from vehicles

The Construction Plant Association (CPA): Work at Height while loading​ and unloading transport

This document provides guidance on the issues involved, particularly as loading and unloading takes place on construction sites where purpose made gantries and loading docks, commonplace in the retail and commercial distribution sectors, are scarce. The document reinforces that careful planning, which includes adequate assessment of the risks, must be undertaken.​

BPG 0902: WAH loading and unloading transport

Generic guidance provided by the Health and Safety Executive: Safe driving: loading and unloading on the UK HSE website

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