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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Economics Unit

About the Economics Unit

The Economics Unit advises States departments on all aspects of economic policy and Jersey's economy, from micro-economic issues (eg personal and business taxation) to broader macro-economic issues (eg controlling inflation and generating economic growth).

Our other responsibilities include:

  • analysing and assessing factors (both domestic and international) affecting the performance of the Jersey economy to keep ministers and departments informed
  • working with the independent Fiscal Policy Panel to give the Treasury and Resources Minister and States Members independent economic advice on matters relating to tax, spending policy and the use of the Stabilisation Fund
  • working closely with Statistics Jersey to ensure Jersey has the right information to effectively monitor the economy

Fiscal Policy Panel

Economic Outlook

The Economics Unit regularly produces briefings looking at local and international economic conditions and their implications for the Jersey economy. The latest analysis covered in the Draft Budget Statement 2018 and previous Economic Outlook Newsletters are below.

Economic Outlook Draft Budget 2018

​Previous Economic Outlooks

Economic Outlook December 2015

Economic Outlook November 2014

Economic Outlook February 2014​

Economic Outlook December 2012

Economic Outlook August 2012

Economic Outlook May 2012​​

Economic Outlook February 2012

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