​The Jersey Probation and After-Care Service (JPACS) exists to provide the Parishes, Courts and Prisons with a high quality information service and to supervise those offenders entrusted to it in order to reduce re-offending, allow restitution and protect the public.
In family proceedings and other matters concerning children, the Jersey Family Court Advisory Service serves the Royal Court by providing reports and advice, which represent the best interests of the child.
This document explains how the Jersey Probation & After Care Service obtains, holds, uses and discloses information about people, the steps we take to ensure that it is protected, and also describes the rights individuals have in regard to the personal data handled by us.
The Jersey Probation & After Care Service takes its responsibilities under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 and the Data Protection Authority (Jersey) Law 2018 very seriously and takes great care to ensure that personal data is handled appropriately in order to secure and maintain individuals’ trust and confidence in the service.
Whose information do we collect?
In order to carry out the full extent of our role JPACS may obtain, use and at times disclose personal data that has been gathered from a range of people and sources. This may include:
- Paid staff & volunteers
- Suppliers with whom JPACS does business or has a contract with
- Complainants, correspondents and enquirers
- Offenders, family members, relatives etc
- Victims
- Advocates & advisors
- Other professionals for safeguarding and public protection purposes.
- Children & young people, parents and family members working with Jersey Family Court Advisory Service as part of either private or public court cases.
- Clients who access the service on a voluntary basis
What information do we collect about you and why?
JPACS handles a wide range of personal data which may identify a person directly or indirectly. This may include but is not limited to:
- Personal details such as name, address, race, ethnicity, religion and biographical details
- Family, lifestyle and social circumstances
- Relationships
- Education, Employment and Training details
- Medical background
- Personal finances
- Criminal records
- Asessments about risk of offending and harm
JPACS will only use the minimum personal data necessary to fulfil a particular purpose or purposes.
We collect this information to allow us to carry out our public function of providing a social work service for the Criminal and Family Courts. Our criminal justice work involves the assessment and supervision of offenders in the community and prisons. Our duties to the Family Court involve working with a range of family members and giving a voice to children and young people who are the subject of court proceedings. Throughout our work we have a duty to safeguard and protect all members of the community.
Receiving and exchanging information and how will it be used?
JPACS receives and processes information from a wide variety of sources to allow us to carry out our role in advising the courts, supervising clients and safeguarding the community. These may include but are not limited to:
The Royal or Magistrates Courts
HMP La Moye, States of Jersey Police & Customs and Immigration
Other States of Jersey Departments including:
Health & Social Services
Social Security
Youth Service
Other Jersey agencies including:
The Housing Gateway and Housing Trusts
Family Nursing & Home Care
Shelter Trust
Faith communities
GP and other involved medical professionals
Legal representatives
Public Protection Forums eg JMAPPA, MARAC
Private or community sector organisations involved in the criminal justice or child welfare system
The individual themselves, their family and friends
Suppliers of goods and services
States of Jersey employees
Courts, probation and prison services outside of Jersey
Welfare agencies outside of Jersey
JPACS uses CCTV within and outside its premises at Lempriere Street. This is for security purposes and is monitored by Magistrates Court staff. Recordings are retained for 3 weeks before being destroyed.
What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?
JPACS’ processing of your personal information is necessary to ensure we comply with our legal obligations and to enable us to perform tasks carried out in the public interest.
In any other situation JPACS will seek your clear and explicit consent before doing so.
More information relating to conditions for processing can be found on the
Information Commissioners website or by
emailing JPACS Data Champion.
Any transfers to third countries and the safeguards in place
It is not envisaged that personal data will be transferred outside of the EU.
Security of your information
JPACS understands that your personal information is important and often sensitive. All information is held on our secure electronic case management system or on our wider JPACS computer system. We try to work without paper files but where we have them they are stored securely on our premises or in the Jersey Archive.
When we need to exchange sensitive information outside of the States of Jersey system we will do so either by secure postal services or electronically via Egress Switch secure email. This ensures that only those with the right to view the information can access it.
How long will your information be held?
JPACS will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary to meet the purposes for which it has been collected.
Depending on why we are working together and the nature of the information we have gathered this period of time may vary.
For further information
emailing the Data Champion or consult our retention schedule.
What are your rights?
You have a right to access your personal information at any time. You may object to the processing of your personal information and may ask us to correct or remove any inaccuracies, restrict how we use it or bring the information up to date.
Any requests or objections should be made in writing to the JPACS Data Champion:
Jersey Probation & After Care Service
1 Lempriere Street
St Helier
Email the Data Champion
How to make a complaint
If you are unhappy with the way in which your personal data has been processed you may in the first instance contact the service’s Data Champion using the contact details above.
If you remain dissat​isfied then you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner who can be contacted at:
Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner
2nd Floor
5 Castle Street
St Helier
JE2 3BT​​
Email: enquiries@oicjersey.org
Website: https://oicjersey.org/