​During 2019, the Care Inquiry Panel members were invited to review the progress in the Government's response to their Final Report published in July 2017.
The question posed by the Panel to the public in conducting their two-year review was: 'Are children safer now in our system than two years ago?'.
During gathering evidence, the Panel met with over 200 people in Jersey and received inputs from experts and others working with organisations in Jersey and from many members of the Jersey public. In addition, the Panel received documentation on the changes taking place in Jersey's public services and their outcomes.
Between 21 and 24 May 2019, the Panel held round table discussions each day with politicians, professionals, care-experienced people and voluntary organisations at St Paul's Centre. These discussions were open to the public and media.
The Panel publicly presented their published findings on 23 September 2019. On the same day, the Report of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel : 2019 (Two-Year Review) was lodged with the States Assembly (R123/2019).
Government Response to the Care Inquiry 2 Year Review
The Minister for Children and Housing at the time, Sam MĂ©zec, presented the Government response to the Report of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry Panel : 2019 (Two-Year Review) on 12 February 2020.
The report highlighted the significant amount of work across government to respond effectively to the recommendations of the Care Inquiry. Many of the steps have been incremental, but in the direction recommended by the Care Inquiry Report.
Future delivery of existing priorities via the Government Plan represent the agreed approach to continue to build and consolidate on the hard-won improvements made to date.