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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Injuries sustained whilst under Health department care (FOI)

Injuries sustained whilst under Health department care (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 04 February 2020.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Can you inform me of the following:

In 2018, how many patients suffered injuries while in the care of the health department? Can you break this down to how they suffered the injury, where they suffered the injury, what injury they sustained and what the outcome of the incident was?

Can you also provide me with all the above information for 2019 as well please?


​Recorded falls



​Number of patient / client / service user falls recorded​505454​
​Number of falls recorded which resulted in `no harm’​298282​
​Number of falls recorded as `near miss’ and where no injury is recorded​3921​
​Number of falls recorded that resulted in injury​168151 ​
​Where a fall resulted in an injury, the number of injuries recorded as `death’​00​
​Where a fall resulted in an injury, the number of injuries recorded as `severe’​56​
​Where a fall resulted in an injury, the number of injuries recorded as `moderate’​1119​
​Where a fall resulted in an injury, the number of injuries recorded as `low’​140126​
​Where a fall resulted in an injury, the number of injuries recorded as `no harm’​120*​

*In 2019, there were no incidents recorded that resulted in injury but caused `no harm’. The ability for incidents to be reported in this way was removed from the reporting system in May 2019.


Severe - Permanent or long-term harm

Moderate - Short term harm – patient(s) required further treatment or procedure

Low - Minimal harm – patient(s) required extra observation or minor Treatment.

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