Number of appeals made under the planning appeals system (FOI)Number of appeals made under the planning appeals system (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
05 October 2015.Prepared internally, no external costs.
I would like to receive information on the following:
The number of appeals made since the new planning appeals system was introduced
The number of appeals heard and judged upon since the new appeals system was introduced
The number of appeals heard and judged upon within ten weeks since the new appeals system was introduced
The number of appeals returned to appellants under articles 112(2)(c) and 112(4)(b) of the Planning and Buildings (Jersey) Law 2002 (as amended by Amendment No. 6, 2014).
There have been 32 planning appeals lodged since the amendments of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law came into force on 10 March 2015.
B and C
As of the 1 October 2015 no appeals heard or judged. The first hearings will be held in the week beginning 12 October 2015.
There have been no appeals returned under articles 112(2)(c) and 112(4)(b) since the amendment to the Planning and Buildings (Jersey) Law came into force.
With respect to questions B and C, it should be understood that the tribunal does not make decisions or judgments.
The tribunal makes recommendations to the minister who then makes the final decision based on those recommendations.
The Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 law on the Jersey Law website is updated only up to 1 January 2015, so it does not reflect the Amendment No. 6.
The Law as at 1 January 2015 and the text of all the amendments can be found by following the links beside Chapter 22.550 on the page for Chapter 22 (Planning and Environment).