Electric vehicle charge posts - Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre (FOI)Electric vehicle charge posts - Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
29 May 2024.Prepared internally, no external costs.
The new Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre (EQHWC) has installed two ProjectEV electric vehicle charge posts each supporting two cars.
Are the EQHWC EV chargers for visitor use?
Are the EQHWC EV chargers for EQHWC staff use?
Are the EV chargers restricted use? If restricted for what roles?
Which department is responsible for maintaining the EV chargers?
There is a double charging pod situated in the South car park, intended for visitor use, which is not yet operational.
There is a double charging pod situated in the North car park, intended for staff use, which is not yet operational.
Issues have been encountered with the units installed as part of the Overdale Re-provision project. Health and Community Services is liaising with the team responsible for the installation to arrange for the units to be commissioned fully / made operational.
The EV chargers are currently supplied on a private network. The project team and Government of Jersey Estates team are liaising with external suppliers to understand if it is viable to install alternative units on site, which would then be part of the public network in Jersey.
The supplier of the EV units is responsible for service and maintenance.