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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Departmental slides from this year's BeHeard survey (FOI)

Departmental slides from this year's BeHeard survey (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 20 December 2024.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Further to the information provided at the link below, please provide the comparable departmental slides from this year's BeHeard survey.

BeHeard survey results - 2023 (FOI)


It is intended to publish the Be Heard Departmental slides on within 12 weeks of the receipt of this request.   

This is to allow departments sufficient time to cascade the results internally to their staff before the publication date.   

We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the information is distributed and utilised effectively and according to its purpose within the organisation prior to external publication. From February 2025, we will be pleased to share the requested results with you.   

Article 36 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.  

Article applied

Article 36 - Information intended for future publication

(1) Information is qualified exempt information if, at the time when the request for the

information is made, the information is being held by a public authority with a view to its

being published within 12 weeks of the date of the request.

(2) A scheduled public authority that refuses an application for information on this ground

must make reasonable efforts to inform the applicant –

(a) of the date when the information will be published;

(b) of the manner in which it will be published; and

(c) by whom it will be published.

(3) In this Article, “published” means published –

(a) by a public authority; or

(b) by any other person.

Public Interest Test

Article 36 is a qualified exemption, which means that a public interest test has to be undertaken to examine the circumstances of the case and decide whether, on balance, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Public interest considerations favouring disclosure 

  • disclosure of the information would support transparency and promote accountability to the general public. 

Public interest considerations favouring withholding the information 

  • It is intended to publish the information on the Government of Jersey website within 12 weeks of the receipt of this request, publishing the draft document in such close proximity to the final version could potentially lead to confusion. ​
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