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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Hot meals prepared by Caring Cooks (FOI)

Hot meals prepared by Caring Cooks (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 21 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Primary School - Hot Meals Consumption and Waste 

1. How many schools are receiving hot meals prepared on island through Caring Cooks?

2. How many schools are not receiving hot meals prepared off island?

3. How is the portion and amount of food prepared measured?

4. How much waste is produced by food not eaten?

5. If miscalculated or a large amount of food is remaining, is there a plan to where this food could be distributed?


1. A total of 5 Government of Jersey schools currently receives hot meals prepared by Caring Cooks.

2. A total of 5 Government of Jersey maintained schools are currently not receiving hot meals prepared off island.

3. Our off-Island provider measures based on standardised portion recommendations per age group. 

4. For our internal service we cook the amount of food required based on the number of children present each day, this therefore reduces the amount of waste.

5. For our internal service we have robust mechanisms in place to ensure that there is not considerable waste generated. 

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