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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

At the second meeting after an election, the Chief Minister designate puts forward the elected members they would like to be Ministers. For each ministerial position, other members can also make nominations. In every case, each candidate makes a statement of up to 10 minutes and faces questions for up to 20 minutes.

If there is only one candidate, they are declared the Minister. If there is more than one candidate, there is a vote and elected members choose who they want to be Ministers. It is therefore possible for the Assembly to choose someone as Minister whom the Chief Minister designate did not want.

Once all the Ministers have been chosen, the Council of Ministers is formed. It is at that point that the member chosen as Chief Minister officially takes up the position. ​

Deputy Lyndon FarnhamChief MinisterContact information
Deputy Tom BinetDeputy Chief MinisterMinister for Health and Social ServicesContact information
Deputy Mary Le HegaratMinister for Justice and Home AffairsContact information
Constable Richard VibertMinister for Children and FamiliesContact information
Deputy Sam MĂ©zecMinister for HousingContact information
Deputy Lyndsay FelthamMinister for Social SecurityContact information
Constable Andy JehanMinister for InfrastructureContact information
Deputy Steve LuceMinister for the EnvironmentContact information
Deputy Carolyn LabeyMinister for International DevelopmentContact information
Deputy Kirsten MorelMinister for Sustainable Economic DevelopmentContact information
Deputy Elaine MillarMinister for Treasury and ResourcesContact information
Deputy Ian GorstMinister for External RelationsContact information
Deputy Robert WardMinister for Education and Lifelong LearningContact information
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