About the survey
The Jersey Children and Young Peopleā€™s survey takes place every 2 years. All pupils in Year 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, including home-schooled pupils, will be given the opportunity to take part in the survey during school time in the Autumn Term.
The survey is voluntary to complete and is anonymous. Statistics Jersey do not ask for or publish any identifying information (such as name or address).
The results from the survey will allow for a better understanding of life from childrenā€™s perspectives. Their views will help decision-making for the services provided to children and ensure adequate provision in areas such as mental health, sport and exercise, and sexual health.
The survey is run independently by Statistics Jersey and includes topics suggested from a range of stakeholders across government. All questions are reviewed by an independent ethics committee to ensure that they are suitable and age appropriate
The language of the question set has been carefully considered to maximise understanding and schools will have provisions for students with additional learning requirements. Students can choose to complete the online survey in Polish or Portuguese.
The survey has been run since 1998, enabling changes in behaviours and attitudes to be monitored over time.
Latest report
You can download the latest report:
Children and young people survey report 2021
Previous reports
You can download previous survey reports:
Children and young people's survey report 2019
Children and young people's survey report 2018
Children and young people's survey report 2014
Children and young people's survey report 2010
A selection of data is also available on the gov.je Open Data site
Previous questionnaires
This document lists the questions asked in the Jersey Children and Young People's Survey since 2010. It also shows which questions were asked to each Year Group. Download the questionnaire summary below
Children and young people's survey, questionnaire summary
The questionnaires, including all questions and response options can be downloaded below
Children and young people's questionnaire 2021
Children and young people's questionnaire 2019
Children and young people's questionnaire 2018
Children and young people's questionnaire 2014
Children and young people's questionnaire 2010
Statistics Jersey's privacy policy and retention schedule
Statistics Jersey is registered as a 'Controller' under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 as we collect and process personal information about you. We process and hold your information to provide public services and meet our statutory obligations. You can find full details of on our privacy policy and retention schedule.