Property rates and the States
Produced by the
Treasury and Exchequer
Authored by
Treasury and Resources
and published on
18 Jul 2014
Prepared internally, no external cost
The States does not pay rates on properties which it both owns and occupies, although it does pay rates on properties where it is either the landlord or the tenant. While the majority of parishes lose comparatively small sums of money as a result, some are significantly disadvantaged by the concentration of States properties in their parish. This is most prominently the case for St Helier and, to a lesser though still material extent, St Saviour.
The purpose of this report is to:
- allow States Members and parishioners to be better informed about the potential cost of the States paying rates
- meet the commitment made by the Minister for Treasury and Resources to consider how to fund the cost of this move
- identify a potential way forward
- set out a timetable for resolving this matter
Property rates and the States on States Assembly website