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Government Actuary report on the financial condition of the Health Insurance Fund as at 31 Dec 2012

Produced by the Employment, Social Security and Housing
Authored by UK Government Actuary and published on 28 Aug 2014
Cost: £69,000.00


​​​The Minister for Social Security, Senator Francis Le Gresley, published the Report by the UK Government Actuary on the financial condition of the Health Insurance Fund as at 31 December 2012.

This review considers the status of the fund over a 20 year period from 2012 to 2032.  In the short term, the fund remains healthy, holding assets of well over £80 million, however, it is anticipated that primary care health costs will grow over the next two decades, and action will need to be taken to maintain the fund in the longer term.

Government Actuary report on the financial condition of the Health Insurance Fund as at 31 December 2012 
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