States of Jersey financial report and accounts 2014
Produced by the
Treasury and Exchequer
Authored by
Treasury and Resources
and published on
10 Jun 2015
Prepared internally, no external cost
General Revenues Income for 2014 was £649 million, compared with £637 million in 2013. This consisted of revenues gained from taxation such as personal income tax and goods and services tax (£517 million), duties on alcohol, cigarettes and fuel, stamp duty and the island rate (£92 million) and other income (£40 million). The £12 million increase compared to 2013 is largely the result of including the return from Andium Homes Limited in 2014.
Departments’ net revenue expenditure during 2014 was £674.2 million. Departments ended the year with a total underspend of £28 million against budgets. £15 million of these approvals have been carried forward into 2015 so that Departments can fund projects spanning multiple years and other spending pressures.
Balance sheet management
During the year, States Departments spent £51.7 million on capital projects to develop the fixed assets base, including improvements to school and health facilities and the Island’s infrastructure. Trading operations and Andium Homes Limited spent a further £13.7 million and £9.4 million respectively on capital projects. The value of States fixed assets is now £3.3 billion.
Download financial report and accounts 2014 (size 2.1mb)Download annex to report and accounts 2014 (size 2.1mb)