States of Jersey: Forming an Independent Organisation for Sport in Jersey
Produced by the
Children, Young People, Education and Skills
Authored by
Knight Kavanagh & Page
and published on
22 Jul 2015
Cost: £19,500.00
The report assesses whether there is a rationale for a new body and the right 'fit' of service areas to be considered. It outlines the merits of including or excluding certain functions and identifies the impact this has on the interface between core States of Jersey functions and formal / informal agreements with third parties.
The main work stages were as follows:
- background research
- clarifying purpose eg aim, objectives, terms of reference, functions, key outcomes
- exploring / developing appropriate governance and structure(s)
- gauging views of key stakeholders / partners via effective engagement / consultation
- identifying (and involving) key potential delivery partners
- setting a timeframe and 'task list' for establishment of a potential body
- funding requirements: staff numbers / roles / responsibilities; other resource costs
- setting out new body performance monitoring / measurement processes
The first section covers review findings, referencing consultation with all appropriate bodies on Jersey and their current remit, funding and perceived success and consider whether they or another body are best placed to deliver in the future.
The second section summarises the recommendations made and the model which is considered to be most fit for purpose, effective and likely to bring success.
This is followed by a brief outline action plan which should form the basis of the actions to be taken in Stage 2.
Download States of Jersey - Forming an Independent Sport Organisation (size 866kb)