Agile frog data analysis research project 2015
Produced by the
Environment (Infrastructure and Environment)
Authored by
Robert J. Ward, Richard A. Griffiths
and published on
15 Sep 2015
Cost: £5,000.00
In 2014, the Department of the Environment commissioned the University of Kent to carry out an analysis of the agile frog monitoring data collected in Jersey, and to prepare a detailed report of its findings.
The report analyses population and environmental data collected from 1987 to 2014. In addition, other published and unpublished research is reviewed and used to produce recommendations for improving the monitoring protocols and further research.
The results identify that the agile frog propulation in Ouaisne has increased over the study period and appears to be responding to increased conservation management in recent years.
Recommendations are included on additional management survey scenarios which would benefit the agile frogs' long-term survival in the Island.
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