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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Labour market report June 2016

Produced by the Statistics Jersey (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by Statistics Unit and published on 07 Oct 2016
Prepared internally, no external cost


Jerseyā€™s labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of both public and private sector total employment.

The latest labour market report for June 2016 shows that:

  • total employment was 60,320, the highest level recorded to date
  • total employment was 1,260 higher than a year earlier, in June 2015, and represents an annual increase of 2.1%. Previously, June 2015 had seen the highest level of total employment
  • employment in the private sector was 52,480, the highest level of private sector employment recorded to date, and representing an increase of 1,600 on an annual basis
  • the increase in private sector employment was predominantly due to increases in the numbers of full time and zero-hours employees, up by 740 and 690, respectively
  • employment in the public sector was 7,840, representing a decrease of 350 on an annual basis
  • the fall in public sector employment was driven by decreases in the numbers of States of Jersey core employees and staff on zero-hours contracts, down by 250 and 90, respectively
  • 7,040 jobs in the private and public sectors were on zero-hours contracts, representing 12% of total employment in the month
  • there were 6,950 active undertakings in the private sector, 460 more than a year earlier; approximately half (3,610) were single person undertakings

At a sectoral level:

  • the largest annual increase was recorded by the private sector service industries (up 970)
  • employment in the construction sector increased by 240 on an annual basis
  • employment in the finance sector was 190 higher than in June 2015
    • the increase seen by this sector was driven by the trust & company administration sub-sector
    • in contrast, the banking sub-sector saw a fall in employment, down by 330 on an annual basis, to a level around 1,800 below that recorded in 2007 and 2008

Download Jersey labour market report June 2016 (size 384kb)
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