Health Profile for Jersey 2016
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Public Health Statistics Unit
and published on
24 Nov 2016
Prepared internally, no external cost
The Health Profile for Jersey provides a set of key indicators for the health status of children and adults in Jersey in 2013 to 2015. The report provides comparisons with other areas, including Guernsey and England.
The aim of this report is to provide local population indicators that give a balance of useful information across a range of important areas that can be compared with other regions. Together these provide a snapshot of the overall health of the population of the Island and highlight areas of success as well as emerging areas of concern. The Jersey Health Profile thus provides a public, professional and political information resource, which also signposts all the more detailed published reports, profiles and data which it summarises.
Topics include:
- demography
- fertility, maternal and infant health
- child health
- life expectancy and self-perceived health
- mortality and morbidity
- sexual health
- mental health
- disease prevention
- lifestyle
- wider determinants
The report represents a piece of collaborative work between Jersey & Guernsey which allows us to look at differences and similarities between the islands as well as how we compare with other countries.
The Health Profile will support and inform a wide range of strategic initiatives including the Sustainable Primary Care project and wider cross-governmental Public Health work.
Download Jersey Health Profile 2016 report (size 4.73 mb)