Jersey abortion statistics 2016
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Public Health Statistics Unit
and published on
30 Jun 2017
Prepared internally, no external cost
This report presents statistics on terminations of pregnancy conducted in 2016 under the Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey) Law 1997.
This latest report shows that the number of abortions in 2016 was slightly fewer than the previous year, and around 20% lower than a decade earlier. More than half (53%) of abortions conducted were to women aged between 20 and 29. Most terminations (76%) were a womanā€™s first abortion, whilst four-fifths (85%) of abortions were conducted before the 10th week of pregnancy.
Abortion statistics include information on demographics, methods used and grounds for termination presented using counts, percentages and crude rates.
Data presented in this report are based on notifications of terminations that occurred in calendar year 2016, which were received by the Medical Officer of Health and processed by the Public Health Statistics Unit.
Jersey abortion statistics report 2016