Termination of pregnancy statistics 2017 report
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Statistics Jersey (Public Health)
and published on
29 Jun 2018
Prepared internally, no external cost
There is a legal requirement to notify the Medical Officer of Health of all abortions carried out in Jersey. Statistics Jersey collate and analyse the data derived from these notifications. In 2017:
- there were 170 abortions notified as taking place in Jersey
- the crude abortion rate was 8.7 per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years, a rate that has declined since 2001
- the crude abortion rate for Jersey over the period 2013-17 was consistently lower than seen in England and Wales
- 72% of terminations were performed at less than 10 weeks gestation
- there was an increase in the proportion of terminations performed at 10-12 weeks
Termination of Pregnancy Report 2017