States of Jersey financial report and accounts 2005
Produced by the
Treasury and Exchequer
Authored by
Treasury and Resources
and published on
01 Jun 2006
Prepared internally, no external cost
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Senator Terry Le Sueur, has published the States of Jersey’s 2005 accounts.
The key points in the accounts are:
- income is not rising as quickly as it did in previous decades, emphasising the need to continue with spending restraint. However income to General Revenues did rise by £9 million more than originally forecast in the 2005 Budget, leaving us in a healthier position for the year than initially expected. In fact on a basis consistent with that of the 2005 Budget, a surplus of £3 million was achieved, as opposed to the £19 million deficit for 2004
- even after fully recognising these debts, the States balance sheet remains remarkably healthy, showing net assets of over £1.3 billion
States of Jersey financial report and accounts 2005