Jersey Economic Trends 2010
Produced by the
Statistics Jersey (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by
Statistics Unit
and published on
16 Dec 2010
Prepared internally, no external cost
​​​​The Jersey Economic Trends 2010 booklet brings together a wide range of statistics relating to the Island's economy which have been published by the Statistics Unit during 2010. This edition presents annual data up to 2009 and quarterly series up to the third quarter of 2010.
The booklet covers three main areas:
- section 1 looks at economic indicators such as Gross National Income (GNI), Gross Value Added (GVA), GVA per employee and Business Activity Indicators as well as value and volume of retail sales
- section 2 provides information on employment in Jersey including employment by sector and unemployment
- section 3 covers prices and earnings. Trends in the Retail Prices Index (RPI), House Price Index (HPI) and the index of average earnings are reported, as well as the cross-analysis of all three indices
The total figures in Annex Table A2 on page 35 have been revised to exclude the rental component of “Other business activities” since the first release of this publication.