Jersey Child Measurement Programme 2018/2019
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Statistics Jersey (Public Health)
and published on
11 Dec 2019
Prepared internally, no external cost
The Jersey Child Measurement Programme 2018/19 report presents height and weight information of schoolchildren in Reception (4 to 5 year olds) and Year 6 (10 to 11 year olds). The total number of children measured in 2018/19 was 2,079 (97% of all eligible children).
- 2 in 10 children in Reception (21%), and around 3 in 10 children in Year 6 (30%) were overweight or obese
- the proportion of children categorised as overweight or obese in Reception were similar for females and males, but for those in Year 6, the prevalence of obesity was slightly higher for males (21%) than for females (14%)
- the proportion of Reception children classified as overweight or obese has remained at around 20% since 2009-2011, and has continued to be lower than seen in 2004-2006 (29%)
- the prevalence of children classified as overweight or obese in Year 6 (31%) has remained unchanged since 2011-2013
- most children who were a healthy weight 6 years previously remained a healthy weight at Year 6 (83%); 1 in 10 (11%) of this healthy weight group had become overweight, and 1 in 20 (5%) had become obese
- 3 in 10 (30%) children who were overweight 6 years previously were measured as still overweight; around 3 in 10 (31%) had returned to a healthy weight, and 4 in 10 (39%) of this group had become obese over the previous 6 years
- around 3 in 4 children (71%) who were obese or severely obese 6 years previously remained obese or severely obese in Year 6
- children in Year 6 living in rural areas (24%) were less likely to be overweight or obese than those living in semi-urban (33%) or urban areas (38%)
- 22% of children who attended non fee-paying schools in Reception were overweight or obese, a higher proportion than those who attended fee-paying schools (15%)
- a higher proportion of children who attended non fee-paying schools in Year 6 were overweight or obese (35%) compared to those who attended fee-paying schools (23%)
- the proportion of children in Year 6 categorised as overweight or obese was lower in Jersey (30%) than in England (34%)
Health and wellbeing figures