St Brelade Character Appraisal
Produced by the
Strategic Policy, Performance and Population (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by
Willie Millar Urban Design
and published on
Cost: £20,544.00
The Government of Jersey appointed a consultant team led by Willie Miller Urban Design (WMUD) with Benton Scott- Simmons and Nick Wright Planning to carry out a Character Appraisal of St Brelade, with a particular emphasis on St Brelade’s Bay. This work has been commissioned as an integral part of the Island Plan Review, and its output has helped to shape the draft bridging Island Plan.
There are three distinct parts to the work, including:
- a report of public engagement which was undertaken in September/ October 2020 to help inform the study;
- a baseline report which outlines the historical development of the bay, and provides a landscape and townscape analysis of the area. The report identified twelve Character Areas to provide a framework for future policy interventions; and
- a set of recommendations, proposing that an improvement plan for the bay be prepared and implemented; and some recommendations for planning policy to better manage future development in the bay so that it contributes positively to the bay’s character. The policy recommendations are intended to be taken forward as part of the Island Plan Review.
St Brelade Character Appraisal recommendationsSt Brelade Character Appraisal baseline reportSt Brelade Character Appraisal public engagement report