Inspection into the Supervision of Probation Orders 2011
Produced by the
Probation and After-care (Non-executives and legal departments)
Authored by
Michael Cutland, Assistant Chief Probation Officer
and published on
31 Dec 2011
Prepared internally, no external cost
This inspection was carried out between 7 and 8 November 2011. It was undertaken by Mr. Brian Heath and Mr. Mike Cutland of the Jersey Probation Service and, two experienced practitioners from the Guernsey Service, Ms. Issy Richmond and Mr. Stuart Crisp. We were delighted that Jurat Le Cornu also assisted the inspection team.
The objectives of the Inspection were as follows:
- to identify the extent to which the supervision of clients subject to Probation Orders met standards agreed by the Royal Court
- to identify areas of good practice and highlight development areas for the service
- to provide a report to Probation Board and feedback to Probation staff at both team and individual level