Jersey seasonal influenza like illness statistics 2021 to 2022
Produced by the
Public Health (Health and Care Jersey)
Authored by
Public Health Intelligence
and published on
29 Sep 2022
Prepared internally, no external cost
This report presents two indicators of the relative weekly number of cases of influenza (flu) seen in Jersey over the winter flu season 2021 to 2022:
- number of hospital patients with confirmed flu, confirmed by laboratory test
- number of resident patients presenting to their GP with flu-like illness
Clinicians can use the numbers presenting with flu like symptoms, alongside cases of influenza confirmed amongst hospital patients to assess the extent of influenza on the Island.
The report shows to what extent the season's flu vaccines were delivered in advance of the onset of winter flu.
Also presented are data regarding deaths from influenza and pneumonia for the period 2015 to 2021.