Labour Market Report December 2010
Produced by the
Statistics Jersey (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by
Statistics Unit
and published on
06 Apr 2011
Prepared internally, no external cost
ā€‹ā€‹Jerseyā€™s labour market report is published every 6 months and covers key aspects of both public and private sector total employment.
The Labour Market report for December 2010 shows that:
- total employment was 53,460 a decrease of 110 over the last twelve months
- the private sector saw a net decrease of 90 over the twelve months to December 2010 and the public sector recorded a net decrease of 10
- of total employment 46,690 (87%) were in the private sector (including the States Trading Committees) and 6,780 (13%) were in the public sector
- the decrease in private sector employment was driven by the Finance sector, for which employment in December 2010 was down 200 on an annual basis and down 90 in the last six months of 2010
- registered unemployment stood at 1,210 in December 2010 up by 90 compared with December 2009
Download Labour Market Report December 2010 (size 162kb)