​​​​​​​​​​​​The Annual Report and Accounts provides a clear breakdown of how public money is spent by the ​States of Jersey Group​.
Annual Report and Accounts
The States of Jersey Group 2023 Annual Report and Accounts includes:
Minister for Treasury and Resources Foreword​
Annual Report and Accounts 2023 In Brief​
Part 1: Performance Report
Part 1 sets out a summary of the financial performance of the States of Jersey Group and the performance of the Government of Jersey.
- CEO Report
- Community Wellbeing
- Economic Wellbeing
- Environmental Wellbeing
- Corporate Performance
- Financial Review
- Sustainability Report
Part 1: Performance Report
Part 2: Accountability Report
Sets out information on the composition and organisation of the States of Jersey Group and its governance structures, and how they support the achievement of the States' strategic objectives. It also includes the Remuneration and Staff Report , the Political Accountability Report and a breakdown of actual spend against the budgets approved by the States Assembly in the Government Plan.
Part 2: Accountability Report​​
Part 3: Financial Statements
The audited statutory financial statements for the States of Jersey Group.
Part 3: Financial Statements​
Part 4: Notes to the Accounts
Provides further breakdowns and explanation of the income, expenditure and asset and liabilities reported in the financial statements.
Part 4: Notes to the Accounts​
Additional information
The Annex: Government Department Annual Reports sets out information on the performance of the Government Departments.
Annex Government Department Annual Reports​
The status of Major and Strategic projects at the end of 2023 is available by:
Annual Service Performance Measures for each Department​.