St Helier Development and Regeneration Strategy
Produced by the
Environment (Infrastructure and Environment)
Authored by
EDAW with input from Hydraconsult
and published on
16 Apr 2008
Cost: £38,110.00
The St Helier development and regeneration strategy focuses on:
- the town centre
- the area around Colomberie in the east of town
- Mont de la Ville (Fort Regent)
- the western approach into St Helier
- the area around the Town Park
It is based on 10 strategic principles:
- consolidate the town centre to create a legible and vibrant shopping heart
- integrate the new waterfront business quarter as part of the town centre
- define a new western gateway for the town
- ensure provision of suitable floorspace to cater for the demands of economic growth and diversification
- establish a design-led high quality built environment, which showcases its heritage features
- rationalise vehicle movement and edge-of-centre car park provision reduce through traffic while supporting economic viability
- create a ‘walkable town’ – with a network of safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists to help promote modal change in transport choices
- create attractive residential areas to support healthy and sustainable communities
- establish the town park as part of a network of high quality open space
- renew Fort Regent, ensuring that it is physically and publicly accessible
Download St Helier development and regeneration strategy (size 640kb)