The review of the Faculty of Construction and Engineering Technology was carried out in two stages and there were separate reviews of the two curriculum areas which make up the faculty.
In stage one, in November 2007, the reviewers spent three days at the college, working with the head of faculty and the curriculum managers to plan in detail the second stage of the work. This pre-review exercise included scrutiny of relevant documentation, such as course reviews, schemes of work, lesson plans and course and student data.
There were some observations of lessons and discussions with students and staff, including the vice principal. As a result of this visit, each reviewer drew up a set of hypotheses about the curriculum area which was their focus, to be followed up, in collaboration with college staff, in the second stage.
These hypotheses and the emerging issues were shared with the managers and curriculum leaders of both faculties and with the principal and vice principal. Not only did they set an agenda for the return visit, so that the faculties were fully informed about what to expect, but also suggested possible areas for improvement which could be acted upon in the interim period where feasible.
Stage two of the review was carried out over four days in March 2008. For this second stage, a sample of lesson observations was carried out in each curriculum area, with the reviewer paired with a member of the faculty staff, as a training opportunity in identifying and assessing learning.
The review of the Faculty of Foundation Studies was carried out in a single stage, over three days in November 2007. Two reviewers, working in collaboration with the outgoing faculty head and her successor, observed twelve lessons, held discussions with staff and students and scrutinised a range of documentation including the self- assessment report, course reviews and relevant performance data. Where possible lesson observations were carried out jointly with faculty staff, as a training opportunity in identifying and assessing learning.