The Health Intelligence Unit within the Health and Social Services Public Health Directorate has produced an annual Jersey Health Profile since 2005. This has been presented as a simple table in previous Medical Officer of Health reports.
It was developed, using available local data, in order to give a snapshot of the health of Jersey residents.
The profile is structured around 40 health ‘indicators’ - quantifiable measures that can be used to help define and gauge progress towards agreed health goals. These are arranged into 9 themed groups:
- demography
- fertility, maternal and infant health
- life expectancy
- disease prevalence and mortality
- sexual health
- mental health
- health protection
- lifestyle and wider determinants of health
The indicators have been chosen with reference to the Community Health Profiles produced for England by the Association of Public Health Observatories. The first Guernsey Health Profile was produced in 2011 using 2008 data which are also included in this report. The indicators facilitate performance comparisons between Jersey and some of its nearest geographical neighbours.
This Health Profile for Jersey based on 2008 / 09 data was compiled retrospectively in 2011.
A retrospective profile for 2010 / 11 is also in development. Thereafter, annual updates will be released to coincide with publication of the annual MOH / DPH reports.