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Incorporation of Housing Health and Safety Rating System into Housing Law of States of Jersey

Produced by the Health and Care Jersey
Authored by Safe and Healthy Housing Research Unit, School of Law, University of Warwick and published on 01 Feb 2007
Cost: £6,300.00


​This is a report to the Health and Social Services Department on the incorporation of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) into the draft Public Health and Safety Dwellings Jersey Law 201- of the States of Jersey.

This report is divided into three main sections.
  1. review of the HHSRS and the legislation in England and Wales
  2. comments on the drafting instructions for the Jersey law
  3. suggestions as to the possibilities for incorporation of the HHSRS into Jersey law taking account of the existing draft law ​

Download Incorporation of HHSRS into Housing Law of States of Jersey (size 117kb)
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