Rural Economy Strategy 2017 to 2021; Towards Sustainable Farming
Produced by the
Economic Development (Department for the Economy)
Authored by
Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture
and published on
14 Feb 2017
Prepared internally, no external cost
Jersey's rural economy is the backbone of our history, culture, habitat and landscape, our international reputation and our local sense of identity.
The new Rural Economy Strategy 2017 to 2021 aims to balance the needs of the rural sector, government and the people of Jersey to grow the rural economy while safeguarding Jersey's countryside, its character and the environment and in doing so, provide a sustainable and prosperous future for the industry.
The new strategy focuses on economic and environmental sustainability in the countryside. It proposes new policies to keep pace with changes in the rural economy and promote growth in the sector, to protect Jersey's environment, and to ensure the impact of rural business on the wider environment and society is considered.
Rural Economy Strategy 2017 to 2021 (1.1mb)