Professor Aitkenhead's Report
Produced by the
Employment, Social Security and Housing
Authored by
Professor Aitkenhead
and published on
24 Apr 2012
Prepared internally, no external cost
Following the consent of the States Employment Board under Article 20(2) of the Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law, 1989, (HSW Law), the reports prepared by Professor Aitkenhead on the management of clinical governance at the General Hospital are being published by the Health and Safety Inspectorate. 2 names have been removed from the report. In accordance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law, 2005, the name of a patient has been removed from the initial report, and in response to a request from the Law Officers’ Department, the name of the person who provided them with legal advice who is referred to in the initial report has also been removed. Apart from these amendments, the reports are published in full.
Download Initial Report by Professor Aitkenhead 2011 (size 739kb)Download Supplementary Report by Professor Aitkenhead (size 449kb)