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Taxes Office: Commissioners of Appeal: Two Re-Appointments

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An accurate record of ā€œMinisterial Decisionsā€ is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making ā€“ including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made 25 June 2013:

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2013-0046

Decision Summary Title:

Re-appointment of two Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office

Date of Decision Summary:

19 June 2013

Decision Summary Author:

Acting Deputy Comptroller of Taxes

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Re-appointment of two Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office

Date of Written Report:

19 June 2013

Written Report Author:

Acting Deputy Comptroller of Taxes

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



 Report and proposition on the re- appointment of two Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office


The Minister approved the report and proposition on the re-appointment of two Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office and requested that it be lodged ā€˜au Greffeā€™ at the earliest opportunity.

Reason(s) for Decision: 

To enable the report and proposition on the re- appointment of two Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office to be lodged ā€˜au Greffe.ā€™

Resource Implications:

There are no financial and/or staffing implications.

Action required:  

Business Manager to forward the report and proposition to the Greffier of the States and request that it be lodged ā€˜au Greffeā€™ at the earliest opportunity.





Position: Senator P F C Ozouf, Minister for Treasury and Resources



Date Signed:

Date of Decision:


Taxes Office: Commissioners of Appeal: Two Re-Appointments

THE STATES are asked to decided whether they are of opinion


 In accordance with Article 10 of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, to approve the appointment of the following as Commissioners of Appeal for the Taxes Office for the periods stated -



   Mr Philip Barber (3 years)


  Ms Jacqueline Collins (4 years)

























The Commissioners of Appeal were created when income tax was first introduced in Jersey by the Loi autorisant une Taxe sur le Revenu. This law was approved by the States of Jersey on 10th April in 1928 and sanctioned by the Privy Council on 15th June 1928.


The Commissioners are completely independent of the Taxes Office. They exist at the first point of appeal for a taxpayer who is in dispute with the Comptroller of Taxes. They hear appeals in private and their decisions are not published. Appeals against their decisions, whether on findings of fact or on points of law, can be heard before the Inferior Number of the Royal Court, sitting in camera. Commissioners do not receive any payment for their services, nor are they reimbursed for incidental expenses to enable them to carry out their duties.


Article 10 of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961, as amended, requires that they ā€˜be chosen from residents in the Island experienced in financial matters, who are not actively interested in any trade, business or profession carried out in the Islandā€™.


The Minister is pleased to recommend the following candidates for re-appointment to the role of Commissioner of Appeal.


Ms. Jacqueline Collins

Ms. Collins is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and formerly a partner at Russell Limebeer and Director of Sierre Trust Company until retiring in 2002. Ms Collins is currently a Trustee of the Jersey Educational Trust and a Director of the trustā€™s property company and St Georgeā€™s Preparatory School Limited. She had previously been a member of the Social Security Advisory Council. Ms Collins has currently been a Commissioner for 9 years.

Philip Barber

Mr. Barber retired as a Corporate Banking Manager of HSBC Bank in May 2003 after a career spanning more than 40 years with Midland Bank then HSBC, in a number of areas of expertise and senior positions both in Jersey and the U.K. Mr. Barber is the Honorary Treasurer of the local branch of the RNLI and has been Treasurer of the Royal Jersey Golf Club and the United Club amongst others. Mr Barber has currently been a Commissioner for 9 years.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition as Commissioners do not receive any payment for their services.



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