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States of Jersey Accounting Standards: Financial Statements 2016

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made 5 May 2017:

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2017-0058

Decision Summary Title:

States of Jersey Accounting Standards

Date of Decision Summary:

26th April 2017

Decision Summary Author:

Head of Decision Support

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Accounting standards to be adopted for the States of Jersey’s Annual Financial Statements 2016

Date of Written Report:

26th April 2017

Written Report Author:

Financial Accountant

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?


Subject: The adoption of States of Jersey Accounting Standards for the Annual Financial Statements 2016.

Decision(s): The Minister decided to:-

  • adopt a new version of the Jersey Financial Reporting Manual (JFReM) which sets the GAAP-based accounting standards to be adopted in preparation of the States of Jersey Financial Report and Accounts 2016.
  • adopt the Treasury and Resources Accounting Policy (Appendix 1 in the attached report)
  • approve the list of Accounting Officers exempted from the definition of Directors as set out in section 5.3.11 of the JFReM (Appendix 2 in the attached report)
  • present the JFReM to the States.

Reason(s) for Decision:  Following the Accounting Standards policy set in MD-2015-0134, the JFReM has been updated in line with the the equivalent UK FReM for the year ended March 2015, to implement GAAP-based accounting in the States of Jersey, and to ensure that the accounting standards that are applied are maintained appropriately

Resource Implications: None.

Action required: The Greffier of the States to be requested to arrange for the JFReM to be presented to the States for their information at the earliest opportunity.






Position: Senator  A J H Maclean, Minister for Treasury and Resources




Date Signed:

Date of Decision:

States of Jersey Accounting Standards: Financial Statements 2016


Treasury and Resources Minister






Accounting standards to be adopted for the States of Jersey’s Annual Financial Statements 2016


  1. Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is:

1) To set out the policy for implementing and updating the Accounting Standards to be used in the preparation of the States of Jersey annual financial statements.

2) To provide additional information on the basis on which the States of Jersey’s 2016 Annual Financial Report and Accounts will be prepared.


  1. Background

The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 (as amended by P.73/2013) states that the annual financial statements of the States must be prepared in accordance with accounting standards issued by the Treasurer with the approval of the Minister.


In Ministerial Decision MD-TR-2015-0134, the Minister recognised that accounting standards are not fixed, that they evolve over time. The Minister’s policy is to update the accounting standards adopted by the States on an annual basis, following those standards adopted by the UK Government in their annually updated Financial Reporting Manual. This policy has been continued, with the 2016 version being based on the UK FReM for the year ending 31 March 2015, adapted as appropriate for the public sector in Jersey.


An updated policy for implementing and updating the GAAP-based Accounting Standards to be used in the preparation of the States of Jersey financial statements is set out in Appendix 1.

Under section 5.3.11 of the JFReM the Minister can exempt Accounting Officers of minor departments from the definition of senior managers. The rationale for the proposed exemptions and the list of approved exempt Accounting Officers is included in Appendix 2.

The JFReM 2016 is included in Appendix 3.


  1. Recommendation

That the Minister approves Jersey Financial Reporting Manual (JFReM), which sets out the accounting standards to be adopted in the preparation of the States of Jersey Financial Statement for 2016.

That the Minister approves the policy for implementing and updating the Accounting Standards to be used in the preparation of the States of Jersey annual financial statements.

That the Minister approves the list of exempt Accounting Officers.  


  1. Reason for Decision

Following the Accounting Standards policy set in MD-TR-2015-0134, the JFReM has been updated in line with the the equivalent UK FReM for the year ended 31 March 2015, to implement GAAP-based accounting in the States of Jersey, and to ensure that the accounting standards that are applied are maintained appropriately


Due to changes in the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 a Ministerial Order is no longer required to set Accounting Standards, and so the previous Order is to be withdrawn.



Appendix 1 – Treasury and Resources Accounting Policy


  1. Introduction


The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the annual financial statements of the States must be prepared in accordance with accounting standards issued by the Treasurer with the approval of the Minister. This policy sets out the proposed model for implementing the accounting standards to be used in the preparation of the States annual financial statements, and the process for updating these accounting standards.


  1. Maintaining Accounting Standards


The Minister’s policy is to require the States of Jersey accounting records to be maintained and accounts prepared in accordance with IFRS GAAP, modified for the Jersey public sector.


The Minister recognises that accounting standards are not fixed, that they evolve over time and also that the implementation of new standards in the public sector context can be a complex and resource hungry exercise. 


The Minister’s policy, therefore, is to update the accounting standards adopted by the States on an annual basis. 


The Minister intends to follow those standards adopted by the UK Government in their annually updated Financial Reporting Manual. The implementation of new accounting standards can be complex and resource intensive; there are obvious benefits to a small jurisdiction such as Jersey to learning from others and not being at the cutting edge of such implementations. The Minister intends to adopt the standards implemented by the UK central government with a one year delay. Therefore it is the Minister’s policy that the Jersey FReM for 2014 will adopt IFRS in line with the UK FReM for the year ending March 2013.


Future years will adopt the same one year delay, and so, for example, the Jersey FReM for 2016 will adopt IFRS in line with the UK FReM for the year ending March 2015.


As with the preparation of the initial JFReM, new standards introduced in the UK FReM may require some modification for the States of Jersey. The Minister intends to continue to consult the Comptroller and Auditor General and Audit Committee on all significant amendments to the JFReM before implementing them.




  1. Summary of significant differences between the JFReM 2015 and JFReM 2016


The most significant changes in the JFReM 2016 are:

  • the adoption of new and amended standards were released with regard to consolidation and reporting of subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and investment entities.
    • IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements
    • IFRS 11 – Joint Arrangements
    • IFRS 12 – Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
    • IAS 27 – Separate Financial Statements
    • IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures
  • the format of the JFReM, moving to a list of standards and how they have been adopted, interpreted or adapted, rather than having this information in a body of text.


A full amendment record has been prepared and is included as Appendix 4.


Appendix 2 – Accounting Officers of minor departments


Under section 5.3.11 of the JFReM the Minister may exempt Accounting Officers of minor departments from inclusion in the definition of senior managers for the States. There are specific disclosure requirements (principally remuneration disclosures and related party disclosures) which are applicable to those persons deemed to be senior managers. Senior managers are those who have responsibility for the organisation as a whole, which in a private company is the Directors of the company.  For the States of Jersey it is deemed that Accounting Officers most closely equate to the Directors of a private company, but it is recognised that some Accounting Officers of minor departments would have less influence over the overall control of the States of Jersey. For this reason the Accounting Officers for the following departments are excluded from the definition in 5.3.11:


  • Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  • Information Commissioner
  • Official Analyst
  • Office of the Dean of Jersey
  • External Relations (within the Chief Minister’s Department)
  • Financial Services Industry (within the Chief Minister’s Department)



Appendix 3 – JFReM 2016 (attached)


Appendix 4 – Amendment Record (attached)


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