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Fauvic Barn, Grouville: Review of Registration - Historic Buildings Register.

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A decision made (21/08/2006) regarding Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Historical and Archaeological Importance: Review of Registration - Fauvic Barm, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville.


Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Historical and Archaeological Importance: Review of registration – Fauvic Barn, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville

Decision reference:


Exempt clause(s):

Report not exempt, but one attachment exempt under 3.2.1 (b)

Type of report (oral or written):


Report file ref:

3/04/02/01/Ministerial Reports

Person giving report (if oral): Historic Buildings Officer/ Curator of Historic Buildings

Written report – author: Curator of Historic Buildings

Written Report Title: Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Importance in Jersey – review of the registration of Fauvic Barn, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville.

Decision(s): Fauvic Barn, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville shall be retained on the Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Importance in Jersey and upgraded to a proposed Site of Special Interest.

Reason(s) for decision: Fauvic Barn satisfies the published criteria for registration as a pSSI, in particular the criteria for the historic interest of the interior that states that pSSI is appropriate “where the interior, or part of it, is associated with a significant event in Jersey’s history…particularly when the interior concerned has survived with little significant change.”

The registration of Fauvic Barn as a pSSI is in accordance with Interim Policy HB2 which states ‘Designation of buildings of architectural or historical importance as Sites of Special Interest will normally be limited to those whose authentic fabric, plan form, interior features or historical associations of the interior contribute to their special archaeological, architectural, artistic, cultural, historical, or traditional interest.’

Action required:

  Amend the Historic Building Register

  Issue notification letter to owner

  Notify Development Control – Rural Section of decision

  Review the registration status of the whole site of the Fauvic embarkation point, including the Belair farmhouse, relative to the criteria for SSI designation.


(Minister/ Assistant Minister)

Date of Decision:

Fauvic Barn, Grouville: Review of Registration - Historic Buildings Register.


Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Importance in Jersey

Review of Fauvic Barn, La Grande Route des Sablons, Grouville

Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is for the Minister to consider the appropriate registration grade for Fauvic Barn (formerly part of Belair), having regard to the States strategic objective ‘to protect the best of the Island’s architectural heritage’ and a key objective of the Island Plan 2002 to protect and promote Jersey’s built, cultural and archaeological heritage.


This report has been prepared by the Jersey Heritage Trust as part of its responsibility under a Service Level Agreement to provide reports and recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Environment on the registration of buildings and sites. It incorporates the views of the Jersey Heritage Advisory Panel (JHAP) - a group previously established to provide independent, expert advice on matters relating to the protection of buildings and sites of cultural interest (now superseded by MRLAG).

Belair was included in the first ‘Register of Buildings and Sites of Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Importance in Jersey’, published in 1992. The Jersey Building Heritage Sub-Committee confirmed it as a BLI during the review of Grouville in August 2000.

In June 2005, the Assistant Director of Design & Conservation received an enquiry as to whether the outbuilding at Belair (now known as ‘Fauvic Barn’) formed part of the existing BLI registration as it was not specifically described in the Register entry for the property.

The Assistant Director showed photographs of Belair and the outbuilding to the Jersey Heritage Advisory Panel at its meeting on 13 June 2005. Members agreed that the 1887 outbuilding is of architectural and historical interest and clearly formed part of Belair. The Panel therefore concluded that the outbuilding should be considered as part of the existing BLI registration and the Assistant Director advised the relevant planning officer accordingly.

Following the June meeting, it came to light that Belair has a significant historical association with the German Occupation of Jersey as it was the key place from which escapes were made from the Island, and it was understood that the outbuilding was regularly used to hide escapee’s boats and equipment.

The Environment & Public Services Committee asked the Panel to reassess the registration of the outbuilding in light of this new information. Panel members visited the site on 17 October 2005 and concurred with their earlier decision that the building retains its historic and architectural character and therefore merits its inclusion on the Register, but recommended that it be upgraded to a proposed Site of Special Interest specifically for the special historical association outlined above.

The Environment and Public Services Committee considered the recommendations of the officers and the Panel at its meeting of 27 October and requested further research be undertaken to establish the precise use of Fauvic Barn during the Occupation in the context of the Fauvic Embarkation Point. The Curator of Historic Buildings has subsequently made contact with various people with an association with or knowledge of the Occupation and Belair (see attached summary of responses).


Fauvic Barn merits inclusion on the Historic Buildings Register based on its historic and architectural interest as part of a late nineteenth century farm, and the prominent and positive scenic contribution the building makes to the character of the Jersey. Belair farmhouse also merits registration but the remainder the farm site has been redeveloped with modern housing replacing other earlier outbuildings.

The key question is whether or not the historical association of the site as the ‘Fauvic embarkation point’ is of great enough significance alone to justify upgrading the registration to a pSSI and designating Fauvic Barn as a Site of Special Interest.

Although it has not been possible to establish indisputable evidence about the specific use of Fauvic Barn during the Occupation, it is certain that Belair played a hugely significant role and the weight of evidence points to the barn (and other buildings on the site) being used to temporarily shelter escapee’s equipment and perhaps the people themselves.

The relevant policy guidance to be considered is as follows:

The Principles of Selection: Designation as Sites of Special Interest (as set out in the interim policies for the conservation of historic buildings): “The essential criterion for the designation of an historic building as a Site of Special interest is that its special interest extends substantially to its authentic fabric, plan form, interior features, or historical associations of the interior; in other words, it is not substantially confined to the exterior of the building and the contribution which it makes to the character or appearance of its townscape or landscape setting.”

Interim Policy HB2: “Designation of buildings of architectural or historical importance as Sites of Special Interest will normally be limited to those whose authentic fabric, plan form, interior features or historical associations of the interior contribute to their special archaeological, architectural, artistic, cultural, historical, or traditional interest.”

In particular, the criteria for designation as an SSI include:

Historic interest of the building: Buildings which illustrate significant aspects of Jersey’s social, economic, cultural or military history, or where there is close, documented, historical association with significant people or events, although in such cases the physical fabric should also be of interest.

Historic interest of the interior: Where the interior, or part of it, is associated with a significant event in Jersey’s history, or occupation or use by a key figure in the Island’s history, particularly when the interior concerned has survived with little significant change.

The interior of Fauvic Barn has survived with little significant change and the weight of historical and anecdotal evidence points to the building being used to aid escapes from occupied Jersey - a significant historical association of the interior that contributes to the building’s interest.

Taking these factors into account, and bearing in mind the advice of the Jersey Heritage Advisory Panel and the Channel Islands Occupation Society, it is concluded that the building meets the criteria for registration as a proposed Site of Special Interest.


Fauvic Barn should be upgraded to a pSSI for its historical association with the Island’s resistance to German Occupation during World War Two.

If Fauvic Barn is upgraded to a pSSI, the registration of Belair farmhouse should also be reconsidered: this would involve a review of the registration for the whole site relative to the criteria for designation as an SSI.

Reason(s) for Decision

Fauvic Barn satisfies the published criteria for registration as a pSSI, in particular the criteria for the historic interest of the interior that states that pSSI is appropriate “where the interior, or part of it, is associated with a significant event in Jersey’s history…particularly when the interior concerned has survived with little significant change.”

The registration of Fauvic Barn as a pSSI is in accordance with Interim Policy HB2 which states ‘Designation of buildings of architectural or historical importance as Sites of Special Interest will normally be limited to those whose authentic fabric, plan form, interior features or historical associations of the interior contribute to their special archaeological, architectural, artistic, cultural, historical, or traditional interest.’

Action Required

  Amend the Historic Buildings Register to upgrade Fauvic Barn to a pSSI

  Issue a notification letter to the owner

  Notify the Development Control – Rural Section

  Review the registration status of the whole site of the Fauvic embarkcation point, including the Belair farmhouse, relative to the criteria for SSI designation.

Written by:

Roger Hills

Curator of Historic Buildings - Jersey Heritage Trust



Approved by:

Fiona Smith

Historic Buildings Officer – P&E

Whilst it is acknowledged that the interior of the 1887 barn survives largely intact (with the exception of the conversion of the stable into a cold store), it is a modest barn of traditional form and construction method – not especially rare to the Island, and, in isolation, would not normally be considered a candidate for Listing (although clearly meriting Registration). It is relevant to note that the main criteria for Registration include:

Historic interest: Buildings which illustrate significant aspects of Jersey’s social, economic, cultural or military history;

Close, documented, historical association with significant people or events, although normally there should be some quality or interest surviving in the physical fabric;

However, based on the high degree of survival of the interior and on the historical association of that interior with an important historical event, I concur with the recommendations to upgrade the building to a proposed Site of Special Interest and that consideration should be given to extending the Registration/designation boundary to encompass the surrounding buildings and land which comprised the entire Fauvic Embarkation Point.



Endorsed by:

Kevin Pilley

Assistant Director – Planning and Building Services


Location plan

Extract from 1935 OS Map


Exempt. 3.2.1.(b) Summary of personal recollections and other insights into the use of Fauvic Barn during the Occupation

Article on Fauvic Embarkation Point

Extract from Environment and Public Services Committee minutes of 27 October 2005

31 May 2006


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