Decision and reason for the decision The Chief Minister requested the Minister for Treasury and Resources to approve a budget transfer from central contingency of up to £1,793,250 over 2017 – 2019. The total drawn down will be up to £445,750 in 2017, up to £710,000 in 2018 and up to £637,500 in 2019, but the amount for each year may be varied without exceeding the total amount for the three years. The monies will be used to support six initiatives that support vulnerable children: 1) Legal advisers (children and family): up to £168,000 in 2017, up to £350,000 in 2018 and up to £350,000 in 2019 from Central Contingency to the Law Officers Department’s revenue head of expenditure to increase capacity in the child and family section of the Law Officers Department. Headcount increase for the period 2017 to 2019 up to 3FTE; and 2) Pilot Parent/Infant Psychotherapy Service: up to £35,000 in 2017, up to £70,500 in 2018 and up to £70,500 in 2019 from Central Contingency to the Community and Constitutional Affairs Department’s revenue head of expenditure to support the development of a pilot parent and infant psychotherapy service. Headcount increase for the period 2017 to 2019 up to 1FTE; and 3) Children's Change programme: up to £79,550 in 2017 and up to £16,500 in 2018 from Central Contingency to the Community and Constitutional Affairs Department’s revenue head of expenditure to support public participation in the development and delivery of a strategic children’s plan. Headcount increase for the period 2017 to 2019 up to 1FTE; and. 4) Youth Enquiry Service (YES): up to £91,200 in 2017, up to £95,000 in 2018 and up to £95,000 in 2019 from Central Contingency to the Education Department’s revenue head of expenditure to support further development of Youth Enquiry Service (YES) to support vulnerable young people and those not in education, employment or training (NEET). Headcount increase for the period 2017 to 2019 up to 3.0FTE; and 5) Nursery Special Educational Needs project: up to £57,600 in 2017, up to £60,000in 2018 and up to £60,000in 2019 from Central Contingency to the Education Department’s revenue head of expenditure to fund an outreach service for children with special needs; and |