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Fire and Rescue Service - Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

Ministers are individually accountable to the States Assembly, including for the actions of the departments and agencies which discharge their responsibilities.

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A decision made (12/06/2007) regarding: The Fire and Rescue Service - Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy.


The Fire & Rescue Service Health, Safety & Welfare Policy

Decision Reference:


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Person Giving Report (if oral):


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e-mail Meeting?



File ref:


Written Report –


Fire & Rescue Service – Health, Safety & Welfare Policy

Written report – Author:

F A Greene

Chief Fire Officer


The Minister approved the Service’s Health, Safety & Welfare Policy for the period June 2007 – June 2010

Reason(s) for decision:

The Health, Safety and Welfare Policy clearly lays down:

· the Service’s Statement of Intent with regard to health, safety and welfare

· our strategy for discharging our duties under the Health and Safety At Work (Jersey) Law, 1989

· the different responsibilities for the management of health & safety, including those of the Minister.

Action required:

· Chief Fire Officer to arrange for the Policy to be implemented.


(Minister/ Assistant Minister)

Date of Decision:

12 June 2006






Fire and Rescue Service - Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy.

Organisational Area:

Health, Safety & Welfare

Summary: this Order details the policy and procedures that the States of Jersey Fire and Rescue Service will implement and carry out to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and to persons who may be affected by its business and operational practices, procedures and work activities. This policy will be embedded in, and form an integral part of, all work activities.

Target Audience:

All Staff


AM(RM)/SM 166

Date of Issue:

June 2007

Date of Review

June 2010

Further Information:

· Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law, 1989

· Occupational health and Safety Management System (OHSAS)

· HM Fire Inspectorate Guide To Operational Risk Assessment












Statement Of Intent



Strategy For Implementation



Responsibilities & Duties For The Management of Health & Safety



Competent Persons









Risk Control Systems



Safe Place of Work



Operational Procedures



Operational Risk Assessment



Accidents and Near Miss Reporting



Equipment Purchasing



Employment of Contractors



Responsibilities for Visitors



Occupational Health



Smoking Policy



Alcohol and Drugs


















1.1 Statement of Intent

1.1.1 The Home Affairs Department and the States of Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (SJFRS) accept their moral, ethical and legal duties of care, as set out in the Health And Safety At Work (Jersey) Law, 1989 and the supporting ‘Approved Codes of Practice’, to employees and to all persons who may be affected by its operational practices and procedures and work activities. This policy will be embedded in, and form an integral part of, all work activities.

1.1.2 SJFRS will, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure:-

(a) Safe and healthy working conditions, together with safe methods and systems of work.

(b) Equipment, tools and plant which are safe and without undue risks to the health of its employees and those affected by our activities.

(c) Safe handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

(d) Safe access and egress to and from all places of work.

(e) The provision of any protective clothing or safety equipment which may be necessary to ensure health and safety at work.

(f) The provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure health and safety at work.

(g) The provision of a working environment which is adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.

(h) The safe disposal of all waste products so that they are not a risk to the environment.

(i) The application of OSH 180001 standards in the tri-annual review of this policy (see Appendix A).

1.2 Strategy For Implementation

1.2.1 To achieve the aims and objectives set out in the Statement of Intent, all activities associated with SJFRS will be controlled in accordance with the policies and standards set out in this document.

1.2.2 The Chief Fire Officer has overall responsibility, on behalf of the Home Affairs Department, for ensuring statutory compliance by taking all reasonably

practicable measures to secure the health and safety of employees, contractors, visitors and members of the public.

1.2.3 The Chief Fire Officer will discharge his health and safety duties through the normal management structure whereby managers have specific responsibilities for conditions and activities within their control.

1.2.4 In addition, there will be a Health, Safety and Welfare Team comprising representatives from each section of the Service as follows:

· Area Manager (Risk Management) (Chief Fire Officer representative)

· Station Manager (Service Delivery)

· Station Manager (Training & Development)

· CSM (Premises Manager Role)

· Fire & Rescue Service Association President (Employee representative)

· Welfare Officer

· Co-opted specialist representatives, as required.

1.3 Responsibilities And Duties For The Management of Health & Safety

1.3.1 Minister for Home Affairs – will:

· approve the SJFRS Health and Safety Policy and accept his/her civil and statutory duty of care towards all employees and others associated with Fire & Rescue Service activities

· ensure that there are adequate human, financial and material resources available to meet the Service’s health and safety requirements

· delegate day to day operational control and management of health and safety to the Chief Fire Officer

· receive periodic reports from the Chief Fire Officer regarding health and safety matters.

1.3.2 Chief Fire Officer: is responsible for all matters relating to health and safety in SJFRS for the purposes of the day to day operation of the Service and will:

· ensure that there are adequate human, financial and material resources available to meet the Service’s health and safety requirements, and regularly review the effectiveness of the policy

· institute an overall programme of risk assessment to identify and prioritise any hazards associated with Fire & Rescue Service activities which exist or may arise

· ensure that recommendations made to the Fire & Rescue Service regarding health and safety are implemented, so far as is reasonably practicable

· ensure that recommendations following internal accident investigations are implemented, so far as reasonably practicable

· empower appropriate staff to ensure the policy is communicated to and implemented by all Fire & Rescue Service staff

· be aware of the basic requirements of all safety legislation relevant to the Fire & Rescue Service’s undertakings. In addition, he will be aware of the Approved Codes of Practice as it may affect parts of Fire & Rescue Service operations

· ensure that all levels of staff receive adequate and appropriate training

· ensure customer care and safe working practices

· set a personal example in relation to all health and safety matters

· ensure proper accident reporting and analysis procedures

· be prepared to challenge and direct any staff who fail to discharge their responsibility.

1.3.3 Station Manager (Service Delivery) – will:

· identify the health and safety arrangements for all members of the Service including instruction, supervision and training

· advise the Chief Fire Officer on matters relating to the Service’s obligations as an Employer

· research and advise on developments and innovation in industry related health & safety issues

· maintain a close liaison with the Health and Safety Inspectorate over matters affecting this policy

· advise on the implementation of health and safety legislation relevant to the work of the Service

· assist employees to raise issues regarding their health and safety

· provide every new entrant into the Service, both uniformed and non-uniformed, with instruction on the Health & Safety Policy

· establish and monitor a reporting system on all issues relating to health and safety, including appropriate performance indicators

· monitor and review Service safety measures

· undertake investigation into the cause of accidents, dangerous occurrences or near misses

· assist in ensuring that all plant and equipment used are suitable for the task and are kept in good working condition with regular maintenance and servicing, including the keeping of appropriate records

· advise on the safe storage and use of substances which may be harmful to health

· monitor that contractors who undertake work on Service premises employ and manage safe systems of work

1.3.4 Health, Safety & Welfare Team – will:

· meet at least once per Quarter to discuss a fixed agenda on health, safety and welfare matters concerning members of the Service

· consult with the workforce

· review and make recommendations to the Service Management Team about all health, safety and welfare matters

· recommend members of the Service for appropriate training in health and safety matters

· ensure the posting and display of health and safety promotional materials around Fire & Rescue Service property.

1.3.5 Managers: are any persons with responsibility for the actions of others within the workforce or visitors who pass into and through their work areas. Managers will:

· ensure that all staff for whom they are responsible are familiar with the contents of the safety policy including accident and dangerous occurrence reporting procedures and internal fire procedures

· ensure the completion of all relevant standard tests and appropriate records, including training records

· bring to the prompt attention of their line manager any health and safety issue that requires the attention of other responsible persons

· identify and categorise the accident or near miss, to ensure the correct actions are undertaken

· ensure building or structural defects are reported

· take immediate and appropriate action to investigate, assess and rectify any risks to health and safety arising from the work activity

· ensure that the conclusions regarding any accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss relating to their department are implemented

· ensure the wearing and maintenance of suitable personal protective equipment where this is required by employees working under them

· identify new employees required to undertake an induction programme that explains the hazards relating to working in their department/shift, and the measures in place to reduce or eliminate the risk

· ensure that all employees for whom they are responsible receive regular health and safety refresher training

· ensure that safe access and egress to all work areas are maintained at all times and that fire doors are serviceable and kept free from obstruction.

1.3.6 Employees: have a duty under The Health & Safety at Work (Jersey) Law, 1989 to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. In addition, they have a duty to co-operate so far as is necessary to enable any duty to or requirement imposed on their Employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory acts, to be performed or complied with. This approach within SJFRS is termed the ‘Safe Person’ concept and forms part of the dynamic management of risk at operational incidents (Home Office Guide).

1.3.7 All employees will make themselves familiar with and conform to the Fire & Rescue Service’s Health, Safety and Welfare Policy and current safety instructions, at all times.

1.3.8 All employees are encouraged to make suggestions to improve health and safety in the Service.

1.4 Competent Persons

1.4.1 In entrusting tasks to its employees, The Service will, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that employees are competent to undertake their role and are provided with adequate supervision and training:

· on being recruited,

· prior to taking up new duties

· prior to being exposed to new risks

· Prior to the introduction of a new system of work or a modification to a system of work already in use.


2.1 Risk Control Systems

2.1.1 In order to carry out its responsibilities effectively, SJFRS will, as appropriate, set safety standards and formulate and issue guidelines, procedures and systems of work to ensure the health and safety of its employees and any other persons for whom it may from time to time be responsible. These will be issued in the form of:

· General Orders

· Safety Notices

· Training Directives

· Operational Equipment Notes

· Operational and Tactical Plans

2.2 Safe Place of Work

2.2.1 The provision of a safe place to work will be achieved by risk assessment, a system of planned inspections and planned maintenance supported by training and supervision.

2.2.2 The risk assessment of the Service will include:

· Operational activity

· Buildings and contents

· Equipment and maintenance

· Fire

· Access and security

· First aid provision

· Asbestos

· Electrical equipment

· Noise assessment

· The storage and use of substances hazardous to health

· Display screen equipment

· Human resource & occupational health management

2.3 Operational Procedures

2.3.1 To control generic hazards a safe system of work will be identified (through tactical planning), recorded and audited performance for all current and predicted activities undertaken by SJFRS. This information will be identified in Operational General Orders that will identify the required equipment, training and competence for those likely to be involved.

2.4 Operational Risk Assessment

2.4.1 To control the dynamic hazards identified during operations, managers will produce written risk assessments (see General Order 06-14 – Risk Assessment) to identify reasonably practicable control measures to control damage to those affected by our activities and damage to the environment.

2.5 Accidents & Near Miss Reporting

2.5.1 All accidents and near misses must be reported in accordance with Service procedure (see General Order 06-04 – Accident Investigation and Reporting). A record will be kept of all reports received and an investigation carried out to make sure that lessons are learned and that the Service does not continue to expose staff and others affected by our work activities to risk of injury.

2.6 Equipment Purchasing

2.6.1 New items introduced into SJFRS will undergo selection through an Equipment Purchasing and Procurement Group. The introduction of such new

items will always be accompanied by written instructions (Operational Equipment Notes), appropriate training and a period of familiarisation before introduction.

2.7 Employment Of Contractors

2.7.1 The Service is responsible for ensuring that only competent and responsible Contractors carry out work on the premises that we occupy or the equipment we use. Contractors will be given notice to produce a written risk assessment of their activity on being awarded the contract by the Corporate Services Manager and expected to produce this document prior to starting work.

2.8 Responsibilities For Visitors

2.8.1 All Service personnel are responsible for ensuring the safety of any visitors to SJFRS premises or scenes of operation. Visitors will be recorded, made aware of hazards and, if necessary, provided with means of protection from those hazards in the form of information, instruction, guidance, personal protective equipment or other means defined as suitable and sufficient by risk assessment.

2.9 Occupational Health

2.9.1 All Service personnel will undergo periodic fitness and health assessments to ensure they are not adversely affected by SJFRS occupational activities.

2.10 Smoking

2.10.1 Smoking will only be permitted in those areas which are designated ‘smoking areas’ in accordance with the Service policy on smoking

2.11 Alcohol and Drugs

2.11.1 Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that judgment is impaired, will be considered misconduct.







New employees

Physical ability and capability

Knowledge of processes and procedures

Understanding of responsibility & capability

Recruitment & selection process

Induction system



Disruption of service

Producing hazards

Risk assessment




Disruption of service


Theft or assault

Visitor policy

Access control


Unsuitable or unsafe equipment

Disruption of service

Equipment purchasing group





Manual handling training


Unsuitable or unsafe equipment

Non compliance with legislation

Disruption of service

Hazard to road users

Damage to vehicles

Damage to reputation

Purchasing & replacement policy



Driving policy

Consumables and business support items

Unsuitable or unsafe materials

Purchasing policy

Emergency procedure

Control & storage of materials





Unsuitable or unsafe working environment


Building Survey

Asbestos register

Premises maintenance plan

Risk (Operational Hazards)

Lowering of health, safety and welfare standards at emergency events

Unnecessary levels of risk presented

Unsuitable or ineffective management of hazards presented

Ground pollution

Air pollution

Training policy

Risk management approach

Fitness & health assessments

1st Aid capability

Competence based training

Competence qualification

Personal protective equipment

Safe systems of work

Performance audit

Incident command system

Tactical planning

Information visits

Regulatory enforcement visits

Public education

Risk assessment

Foam use and testing policy

Pollution containment equipment

Agency partnership

Lone person working policy

Membership of professional bodies

Human Resource

Unsuitable or ineffective staff

Inappropriate professional standards

Non compliance with employment legislation

Capability Procedure

Discipline Procedure

Performance & Review system

Employment legislation training

Equality and fairness legislation training







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