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Budget transfer from Central Contingencies to various departments: 2016 Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme Costs

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A decision made 21 December 2016:

Decision reference: MD-TR-2016-0114

Decision Summary Title:

Transfer of funding from Central Contingencies to various departmental budgets to recognise the costs associated with the Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme in 2016.

Date of Decision Summary:

19th December 2016

Decision Summary Author:

Financial Performance Reporting Manager

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Transfer of funding from Central Contingencies to various departmental budgets to recognise the costs associated with the Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme in 2016.

Date of Written Report:

19th December 2016

Written Report Author:

Financial Performance Reporting Manager

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



Transfer of funding from Central Contingencies to various departments’ revenue heads of expenditure to recognise the costs associated with the 2016 Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme.


The Minister approved a non-recurring budget transfer in 2016 of £1,738,128.73 to departments from Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision for VR Applications approved and signed up to 19th November 2016.

Reason(s) for Decision:

Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure to heads of expenditure of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year.


On 16th and 17th April 2015, the Council of Ministers agreed to the request to approve non-recurring funding in 2015 totalling £5,100,000 from the Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision to various departments for the funding of the Voluntary Release Scheme.


MD-TR-2015-0141 approved funding of £4,666,119 to fund the Voluntary Release Scheme in 2015 in line with the allocation of funding approved by the States Assembly in P.72/2015 Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (as amended).


MD-TR-2016-0058 and MD-TR-2016-0082 approved funding of £1,735,344 to fund applications approved and signed up to 30th June 2016.


This Decision funds the next tranche of VR Applications to 19th November 2016 and will leave a balance of £13.86 million in Contingency for future applications. There will be a final Ministerial Decision relating to 2016 in early January 2017 to capture any further applications signed before 31st December 2016.

Resource Implications:

Various departments’ revenue heads of expenditure to increase by a total of £1,738,128.73 in 2016 and Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision to decrease by the same amount. This decision does not change the total amount of expenditure approved by the States for the period of the current MTFP 2016 to 2019. The transfers are detailed in the attached report.

Action required:

The Head of Decision Support to notify the Finance Directors of all relevant departments that the Decision has been approved.





Senator A J H Maclean

Minister for Treasury and Resources

Date Signed:


Date of Decision:

Budget transfer from Central Contingencies to various departments: 2016 Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme Costs



Treasury and Resources Department

Ministerial Decision Report


Transfer of funding from Central Contingencies to various departmental budgets to recognise the costs associated with the Voluntary Release and Redundancy Scheme in 2016.


  1. Purpose of Report

To enable the Minister to approve the non-recurring budget transfer of £1,738,128.73 from Central Contingencies – Redundancy Provision to various departmental budgets, as outlined below. This is to recognise the costs associated with the Voluntary Release Scheme for 2016 to 19th November 2016.


  1. Background

A voluntary release (VR) programme was run in 2015 closing at the end of July and re-opened in January 2016.  As at the 19th November 2016 a total of 536 applications for VR had been received (329 in 2015 and 207 to date in 2016) and a total of 181 have been approved.  The scheme remains open for the foreseeable future in order to support organisational change initiatives. In addition, a total of 46 employees have been made compulsory redundant to date in 2016.


The Council of Ministers approved the allocation of £2,000,000 from Central Contingencies to create a Redundancy Provision in 2015 to fund the first tranche of the scheme. The States Assembly approved a further £20,000,000 to be added to the Redundancy Provision across 2015 and 2016 to be funded by transfers from the Strategic Reserve Fund with £4,000,000 to be transferred in 2015 and £16,000,000 in 2016. Following the completion of the 2015 VR scheme the remaining money was drawn down for funding of new applications in 2016.  In total this left £17.3 million available for VR funding from January 2016. 


To date in 2016 a further transfer of £91,390 was made to departments for 2015 VR agreements and a transfer of a £1.64 million was made for VRs agreed in 2016 up to the 30th June 2016.


CRs and VRs agreed to be centrally funded by the redundancy decision panel for the period July to November 2016 amounts to a commitment of an additional £1.87 million of which agreements totalling £1.738 million have now been formally signed, leaving a balance of approximately £13.7 million remaining to fund redundancy for the remainder of the MTFP period to December 2019. The following transfers to departments are now required:


  • Chief Minister’s   £252,966.11
  • Department for Infrastructure  £907,976.84 
  • Department of the Environment   £42,034.73
  • EDTSC    £110,297.61
  • Education    £196,788.56
  • Health and Social Services    £72,274.50
  • Treasury and Resources  £103,862.44
  • Social Security     £51,927.94





  1. Recommendation


The Minister is recommended to approve a non-recurring budget transfer of £1,738,128.73 in 2016 from Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision to departments as outlined above.


  1. Reason for Decision

Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure to heads of expenditure of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year.


On 16th and 17th April 2015, the Council of Ministers agreed to the request to approve non-recurring funding in 2015 totalling £5,100,000 from the Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision to various departments for the funding of the Voluntary Release Scheme.


MD-TR-2015-0141 approved funding of £4,666,119 to fund the Voluntary Release Scheme in 2015 in line with the allocation of funding approved by the States Assembly in P.72/2015 Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (as amended).


The transfer figure for funds from the central contingency fund to Departments for the period from July 2016 up to the end of November 2016 will be a maximum of £1.86 million.  The final amount transferred to departments will only be confirmed once VR exit agreements have been signed by leaving individuals. 


A further redundancy decision panel is due in December 2016. Following decisions made if exit agreements are signed before close of 2016 a further transfer will be required to cover all financial commitments made. If this should occur the Council of Ministers will be notified in January 2017 of additional transfer requirements.


International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) interpreted for the States of Jersey in the Jersey Financial Reporting Manual (JFReM) require termination benefits to be recognised as an expense at the point at which the entity can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits. Accordingly, the full cost of all VRs must be recognised at the point a binding contract has been signed with the employee.


  1. Resource Implications


Various departments’ revenue heads of expenditure, as outlined above, to increase by £1,738,128.73 in 2016 and the Central Contingency – Redundancy Provision to decrease by the same amount.


Report author : Financial Performance Reporting Manager

Document date: 19th December 2016.

Quality Assurance / Review : Head of Decision Support

File name and path: L:\Treasury\Sections\Corporate Finance\Ministerial Decisions\DS, WR and SD\2016-0116 - VR Payments July to November 2016

MD sponsor : Director of Financial Planning and Performance


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