Health and Social Services Department
Ministerial Decision Report
- Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is to request the Minister to approve the transfer of part of the revenue equipment replacement to capital to allow for the replacement of certain assets in excess of the capitalisation threshold.
- Background
The funding available to the Health and Social Services Department for the replacement of equipment is split between a capital allocation for items costing in excess of £10,000, which when complete are transferred to the asset register, and a revenue allocation for minor items. A transfer of part of the revenue budget is required to fund the replacement of specific capital items.
- Equipment Replacement Reallocation
At the end of October the unspent for the replacement of major capital items of equipment was £1,244,421, of which £1.1million related to orders and projects in progress, the remaining balance has been allocated for specific items for which orders had not been placed.
It is proposed to transfer unallocated funding from the 2010 revenue equipment allocation to the capital vote (JZ0106) to fund specific larger purchases as follows:
| Capital Budget |
| £ |
Patient transport and ambulance vehicles and van | 154,000 |
Histology coverslipper and slide stainer | 51,000 |
Lighting system Operating Theatre 3 | 40,000 |
The oxygen supply at the General Hospital is provided by two PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) machines with a back up provided by oxygen cylinders. These machines are due for replacement and a capital vote of £180,000 (JZ0109) is available for this, however to develop a comprehensive solution to appropriate standards will require additional funding and it is proposed to transfer £200,000 from the revenue equipment allocation to this project.
It is proposed to transfer £445,000 from KFR150.562010 to:
| | To |
JZ0106 | 121150 - Plant & Equipment | 91,000 |
JZ0106 | 121160 - Vehicles | 154,000 |
JZ0109 | 120410 - Main Contract | 200,000 |
- Recommendation
It is recommended that the Minister approves the transfer of £445,000 from the revenue equipment replacement budget, £245,000 to the capital equipment replacement budget and £200,000 to the budget for the replacement of the PSA Oxygenators.
From | | |
KFR150 | 562010 – Equipment Replacement | £445,000 |
To | | |
JZ0106 | 121150 - Plant & Equipment | £91,000 |
JZ0106 | 121160 - Vehicles | £154,000 |
JZ0109 | 120410 - Main Contract | £200,000 |
- Reason for Decision
The transfer between the revenue and capital budgets is necessary to ensure that the equipment and vehicles which it is intended be replaced can be accounted for in accordance with the States of Jersey capital accounting manual.
- Resource Implications
The proposal will result in the transfer of a part of the revenue equipment budgets to capital schemes which on completion will be added to the departmental asset register and be depreciated in accordance with the applicable rules. There are no other resource implications.
10th December 2010
Nick Aubin - Head of Financial Accounting
Health & Social Services