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Tetra radio system - closure of audit observation

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A decision made 8 September 2010 regarding: Tetra radio system - closure of audit observation.

Decision Reference: MD-HA-2010-0064

Decision Summary Title :

TETRA audit observation

Date of Decision Summary:

07 September 2010

Decision Summary Author:

Executive Officer

Home Affairs

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report

Title :

Closure of audit finding regarding Ministerial sign off of 2007 feasibility study

Date of Written Report:

13 August 2010

Written Report Author:

General Manager

Communications Services

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)



TETRA – closure of Audit observation


The Minister agreed to acknowledge the 2007 Feasibility Study and noted that its findings had been incorporated fully into the current, approved 2010 TETRA documentation; and to notify the Minister for Health and Social Services.

Reason(s) for Decision:

An audit of the TETRA system in July 2010 noted that the August 2007 Feasibility Study had not received Ministerial sign-off, but that it would be sufficient to show that the key components of the 2007 Study had been carried forward and actioned through later documents.  These were carried forward into the key documents such as the 2010 Project Initiation Document and Requirements Specification.

Resource Implications:

There are no additional financial or manpower implications arising from this decision.

Action required:

The Minister to write to the Minister for Health and Social Services.



Minister for Home Affairs

Date Signed: 

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed): 

Tetra radio system - closure of audit observation

Organisation : States of Jersey

General Business Use  


Organisation States of Jersey

General Business Use


Closure of audit finding regarding

Ministerial sign-off


2007 Feasibility Study


Document Reference



The information contained herein is the property of the States of Jersey. The information contained within this document must be used with respect to its confidentiality or for the purpose for which it was specifically furnished.


Document Release History



Reasons for issue / re-issue

Issue O


Initial version.

Issue A


Title changed to take document out of scope of procurement strategy.  No change to content from Issue O.

Issue B


Feedback from document review incorporated.

Issue C


Correction to references.

Issue D


Final updates prior to signature.


Document Approval



Signature / Date


Document approval is managed in Section 3.



Open Issues

Status of open issues can be; “Missing”, “Incomplete”, “May change”.














Table of Contents

1      Introduction

1.1      Purpose

During the audit of the TETRA 2010 project in March/April 2010 a finding was generated (see Section 5.3, Action ‘a’ in Ref. [3]) which noted that the TETRA Feasibility Study conducted in 2007 (Ref. [2]) had not received ministerial approval.

The action required to clear the audit finding is that the 2007 TETRA Feasibility Study must be approved by the Minister for Home Affairs, i.e. that the Minister approves the Feasibility Study retrospectively. This approach has been approved by the States Internal Auditor as explained in paragraph 2.1. 

The TETRA 2010 Project Management Group feels that retrospective approval of the Feasibility Study would be of limited value given that, even if the Minister was minded to approve it, he could only do so at today’s date.  In any case, he was not the Minister in 2007. Instead the TETRA 2010 project management proposes the alternative approach described in this document in Section 2.

1.2      Scope

The scope of this document is the TETRA 2010 procurement.

1.3      Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations


European Telecommunications Standards Institute


ETSI Standard : ETS300-39x. 
Terrestrial Trunked Radio


TETRA Management Group. 
This is the project board which fulfils the project governance role of the TETRA project as defined in Financial Directive 5.6.

1.4      References and Related Documents

Ref. [1]     TETRA 2010 Procurement.  Executive Summary 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348 :  
Governance and Communications/TETRA Management Group/Procurement/TP-Doc-012

Ref. [2]     Feasibility Study for the Replacement of the TETRA Digital Radio Communications System. 
TMG PAPER.  FS 00 - TETRA Full Feasibility Study.doc (Dated Jul09). 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348 : TETRA2010 Project Initiation Archive/ 
FS 00 – TETRA Full Feasibility Study.doc

http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35208817/ :F2010 4(a) Replacement Tetra Radio System

Ref. [4]     Brief for Corporate Management Board -  30th September.  TETRA Replacement.  Dated 23rd September 2009 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348 : TETRA2010 Project Initiation Archive/ 
2009 09 23 Paper to CMB-SP for 30-Sep.doc

Ref. [5]     Jersey System Sizing Spreadsheet 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35095410/ : JerseySystemSizing.xls

Ref. [6]     Project Initiation Document 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348 : Project Management/Quality/TP-Doc-001

Ref. [7]     Jersey Voice of the Customer 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35094529/ : Jersey – VoiceOfTheCustomer.doc

Ref. [8]     Requirements Specification for Replacement TETRA Network 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348/ : Implementation/Infrastructure/Specification/TP-Doc-007

Ref. [9]     TETRA Rollout Project Risk Register 
http://sojedm/livelinkdav/nodes/35081348 : Project Management/Tracking/TP-Doc-002 

2      Background and proposed resolution

2.1      Background


The initial audit conducted by the States auditor in 2007 highlighted the need for Ministerial approval for the Feasibility Study.  At the time of this audit finding there were significant changes in the project team due to retirements and promotions of a number of key members of the TETRA Management Group.  As a direct result of these changes, and the consequential movements of staff roles and responsibilities,  this audit action was simply overlooked and not carried out. 

The action that is proposed to allow this audit action to be closed is to produce a mapping table showing how all the sections within the 2007 TETRA Feasibility Study have actually been incorporated into the current TETRA 2010 project documentation. This is summarised in the table at paragraph 2.2 which also gives the associated document reference number listed at paragraph 1.4. 

Given that the 2010 audit did not find any failings related to the scope of the material in the 2007 Feasibility Document, it can be assumed that the document scope was adequate for its purpose and that it is likely that Ministerial approval would have been given if sought at the time. 

This information will enable the Minister to acknowledge the 2007 Feasibility Study and see that it’s findings have been fully incorporated into the current, approved TETRA 2010 documentation.  This approach was formally endorsed by the States Internal Auditor in writing on the 26th July 2010 as follows: 

“Details of the Feasibility Study requirements per FD No 5.6 are contained at para 5.6.14 of that document. You will see that these are quite "broad" and more aligned to a building or civil engineering project. Given the detailed linkage referenced in your document " Closure of audit findings regarding Ministerial sign off " at section 2, I confirm that this will equate to a feasibility study for retrospective approval by the Minister for Home Affairs and briefing to the Minister for Health.” 

To close the associated finding from the 2007 audit, which is also re-stated in the May 2010 audit; once the 2010 documentation is signed off by the Minister, the Minister for Health and Social Services will be formally briefed as to the actions that have been carried out with regard to this project.  This is necessary because of the involvement of the Ambulance Service in the project.

2.2      Linkage to current TETRA 2010 project documentation

Source information from 
TETRA Feasibility Study 2007 
(Ref. [2])

Mapping into TETRA 2010  
Project Documentation

Section 1) Introduction

This section sets out the scope of the feasibility document and TETRA project.

This section has no applicability within the scope of the TETRA 2010 documentation.

Section 2) Background to the TETRA System

This is general background to TETRA as a technology and a brief history of TETRA in the jurisdiction of Jersey.

This section has no applicability within the scope of the TETRA 2010 documentation.

Section 3) The TETRA System

Section 3 is addressed as follows;

3.1) The system architecture is detailed in the system sizing analysis conducted during the project design review, see Ref. [5].

3.2) The TMG role is described in the Project Initiation Document, Ref. [6]

3.3 – 3.7) These points explain the various benefits of a shared public safety radio network.  All these benefits exist with the new network as they did with the old network. This section has no applicability within the scope of the TETRA 2010 documentation.

Section 4) The Next Generation System

The requirements of the next generation of the network (as outlined in this section) have been collected in the form of a set of ‘Voice of the Customer’ statements collected in April/May 2010 (see Ref. [7]).  These customer requirements, along with the baseline TMG requirements, are fully mapped into the formal project technical requirements of the infrastructure and dispatchers, see Ref. [8].

Section 5) Capital and Revenue Budgetary Requirements

All the capital and budgetary details have been loaded into the JDE finance control system.  The budgets as loaded have been reviewed and agreed with the Home Affairs Finance Director and are the subject of ongoing Capital management in accordance with Financial Directive 5.6.

Section 6) Summary

This summary reflects the current approach that is being followed by the TETRA Management Group.

Section 7) Recommendations

7.1)  The recommendation to procure a new TETRA network is being following by the TETRA Management Group.  The details of the procurement strategy being following are explained in the Procurement Strategy, see Ref. [1].

7.2)  The proposal for corporate funding of the TETRA system has no applicability within the scope of the TETRA 2010 documentation.

Appendix A) User Requirement

The TMG user requirement has been fully mapped to the Infrastructure and Dispatcher specification (Ref. [8]) to ensure full coverage of all points.

Appendix C) Budgetary Requirements

This appendix details the specific budgetary numbers.  See response to Section 5 above.

Appendix D) Project Risk Assessment

The risk register in this document was adopted as the baseline for the risk register of the ongoing project.  The PID (Ref. [6]) explain the project risk management approach.  For details of the live project risk register see Ref. [9].

3      Ministerial and Chief Officer Acknowledgement

These signatures confirm that the Minister for Home Affairs and Chief Officer for Home Affairs agree that the content of this document demonstrates that the findings of the 2007 TETRA Feasibility Study have been implemented within the TETRA 2010 project.

These signatures thus allow the audit finding in the 2007 and 2010 audits, requiring Ministerial approval of the 2007 Feasibility Study, to be closed. 

Minister for Home Affairs 


Chief Officer  
Home Affairs Department 


Doc Ref:TP-Doc-025


Page of 8

Doc Ver: Issue D





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