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Les Ormes Golf and Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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The Freedom of Information Law (Jersey) Law 2011 is used as a guide when determining what information is be published. While there is a presumption toward publication to support of transparency and accountability, detailed information may not be published if, for example, it would constitute a breach of data protection, or disclosure would prejudice commercial interest.

A decision made (15/08/2007) regarding: Les Ormes Golf and Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade.

Decision Reference:   MD-PE-2008-0133

Application Number:  P/2007/0991

(If applicable)

Decision Summary Title :

Les Ormes Golf & Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade

Date of Decision Summary:

02 June 2008

Decision Summary Author:

E J Ashworth

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report

Title :

Les Ormes Golf & Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade

Date of Written Report:

06 August 2007

Written Report Author:

E J Ashworth

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?

(State clauses from Code of Practice booklet)


Subject:  Les Ormes Golf & Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade  

Locate 24 No. 1 bed holiday lodges on western portion of site formerly occupied by the golf driving range. Extend existing car park to east of Field 15. Alter existing vehicular access to extended car park area.


At a public meeting held on the 15th August 2007 the Minister Approved the application subject to the following conditions: 

No construction shall commence on site until the Minister has agreed a landscaping scheme for the site which shows how the applicant intends to achieve a proper layout of the units so that they are adequately separated by both mature planting and landscape modelling.  It is anticipated that this will require the movement of earth on the site and the importation of a suitable growing base for semi-mature trees.

The landscaping scheme should ensure that the lodges are adequately screened from one another in a landscaped, gently undulating landform.

A planting list of the species for landscaping  shall be agreed with the John Pinel of the Environment Division of the  Planning and Environment Department.

The proposed lighting shall be low-level and the minimum needed to undertake the lighting task and shall incorporate measures to control sky glow, glare and light trespass.

A method statement relating to the ecological report shall be submitted for the approval of the Environment Division of the Ministry of Planning and Environment prior to works commencing on the site.

Attenuation tanks shall be installed for surface water run-off.

The storage of fuels and chemicals on site shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Division of the Ministry for Planning and Environment as described in the UK Environment Agencies Pollution Prevention Guidance on Working at Construction and Demolition Sites.

The permission hereby granted is for tourist self-catering accommodation as registered under the Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948 and for no other purpose.

The proposed fencing around the pond must must allow for toad access.

No additional soil shall be imported onto the site apart from that required under Condition 1 of this permission.

The works shall be carried out in accordance with the CEMP final details of shall be  to be agreed with the Environment Division of the Ministry for Planning and Environment before any works start on the site, including enabling works.

The recommendations for mitigation in the PAA report shall be followed and there shall be no deviation without the written consent of the Environment Division of the Planning and Environment Department.

Details of interpretation boards shall be submitted for the agreement of the Environment Division of the Ministry for Planning and Environment.

Should any or all of the lodges hereby approved fall into disuse or disrepair they shall be removed from the site and the land returned to its natural state.

If it is intended to use woodburning stoves the final details are to be agreed with the Case Officer prior to the commencement of the works.

Prior to the occupation of the lodges the developer shall negotiate a contribution to Percentage for Art in accordance with the new Supplementary Planning Guidance and in accordance with Policy BE12 (Percentage for Art) within the Island Plan 2002. The contribution shall be agreed with the Minister and will normally be set at 0.75% of the total construction costs.


This decision is on a sensitive part of the Island's countryside and its success on completion will be entirely dependant upon the quality and execution of the landscape scheme.

To ensure that the rural character of the area is maintained and that is does not cause harm to neighbouring uses, in particular, Jersey Airport.

To ensure the protection of the environment during the construction process.

To prevent potential ground pollution.

In order to prevent ground pollution.

The Minister for Planning and Environment has granted consent for the new accommodation solely based on its indentified need within the Tourism Industry.

In the interest of protecting the habitat of the toad.

In order to protect the natural environment of the site.

In the interests of protecting the natural environment.

In order to protect the native  plant species and Les Blanches Banques which is a Site of Special Interest.

For the avoidance of doubt.

In order to maintain the rural character of the area.

The Environmental Health Officer has raised concerns that during winter the cumulative affect of 24 wood burning stoves might affect air quality and could potentially affect immediate neighbours.

To ensure a public benefit from the development.

Reason(s) for Decision: 

The Minister felt that the scheme was a suitable exception to Island Plan policies.

Resource Implications:


Action required: 

Notify Agent, Applicant and all other interested parties



Minister for Planning and Environment

Date Signed:

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed):

15 August 2007

Les Ormes Golf and Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade.

Planning and Environment Department


Application Number



Site Address

Les Ormes Golf & Leisure Village, Le Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade.




Bosdet Foundation




Locate 24 No. 1 bed holiday lodges on western portion of site formerly occupied by the golf driving range. Extend existing car park to east of Field 15. Alter existing vehicular access to extended car park area.







Date Validated





Countryside Zone

Action Plan Species Area

Water Pollution Safeguard Area




C5 Green Zone, C7 St Ouen’s Bay Planning Framework, G2 General Development Considerations, C9 Trees and Woodlands, G3 High Quality of Design, G4 Design Statements, G5 Environmental Impact Assessment, TR1 Development of New Tourist Attraction. This list is not exhaustive and other Countryside and Tourism Policies are also taken into account in the determination of this proposal.



Reason for Referral

Departure from Island Plan

Size and scale of development proposal




Although the principle of developing open land for the purpose of 24 Holiday Lodges and ancillary works are contrary to Island Plan policies, it is considered that the benefits to the site and tourism outweigh the concerns.  Provided that the area is suitably landscaped it is considered that the development will not unduly detract from the character and appearance of the landscape in general.  

Please note that at the time of writing the Report there are a number outstanding matters that it is anticipated will be resolved by the time of the Meeting.  This includes the exact wording of conditions linked to the EIA





Approve with conditions to be advised by the Environment Department.


Site Description

The site is located to the north of the Les Ormes Leisure Complex and forms part of the golf driving range.  The site is bounded by existing mature trees.



Relevant Planning History

The site has for many years had a tourism related use including a campsite and more recently as a leisure complex to include a golf course.



Existing use of Land/Buildings

Leisure complex and golf driving range



Proposed use of Land/Buildings

As above with 24 self-catering lodges.




T&T (Highways) in their letter dated 21 June 2007 state “       The Department requires that either a single two-way access be provided near the proposed egress or the ingress is moved 20m eastward.  Full visibility splays of 2.4m x 50m are required.  

The Department also requires that a pedestrian and cycle path linking the development to the Railway Walk be provided.”   

These issues have now been addressed. 

T&T (Drainage) in their letter dated 5 June 2007 make comments re surface water drainage and run-off and recommend either the construction of attenuation tanks or discharge to soakaways. 

It has been agreed that attenuation tanks will be used.                     

H&SS in their letter dated 5 June 2007 make recommendations regarding a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) The applicant must factor working hours into their plans, noise breakout should be kept to a minimum and unavoidable noise breakout from the site boundary should be restricted to 0800 to 1800 Mondays to Fridays; 0830 to 1300 on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or Public Holidays.” 

The comments also make reference to a number of other matters some of which have already been addressed by the agents 

Jersey Airport in their letter dated 17 May 2007 state that they have no safeguarding objections to the application 

ESU in their letter dated 28 June 2007 state “In general the Environmental Statement covers most of the issues in adequate detail.  There are a few minor issues, most of which can be dealt with as a condition of the permit.” 

All consultations are attached with the background papers



Summary of Representations

There have been 5 letters of representation including ones from the Natural Trust,  the Council for the Protection of Jersey’s Heritage and the Societe Jersaise 

  • Contrary to Island Plan policy of the countryside
  • Challenges the need for such development on economic grounds in particular
  • Loss of a driving range


All letters of representation and responses are attached with the background papers



Planning Issues

Policy Considerations 

The main policy considerations are G5 Environmental Impact Assessment; G4 Design Statement :C5 Green Zone

C7 St Ouen’s Planning Framework

TR1 Development of New Tourist Accommodation

C9 Trees and Woodlands 

Under policies G4 and G5, a comprehensive EIA and Design Statement have been submitted and scrutinised by the Environment Department who are satisfied with the findings. 

Policy C5 states that there is a presumption against all forms of development within the Green Zone and the St Ouen’s Bay Area.  However, development may be permitted only where the scale, location and design would not detract from, or unreasonably harm the visually sensitive character and scenic quality of the area.  It is considered that the development will meet these criteria particularly as mature landscaping will be a requirement of the permission to supplement the existing landscaping on site. 

Policy TR1 does support new tourist accommodation a provided that the criteria relating to C5 can be met in terms of impact in the landscape. 

It must be remembered that this site was originally a campsite which more recently was extensively upgraded to include a leisure complex and golf course with driving ranges. The aim of the application is to provide the type of accommodation that has been identified through the various strategic plans detailed below in Other Material Considerations as being desirable to meet the long-term aims of tourism in particular.  The Department considers that the key strategic benefits to the Island are capable of tipping the balance in favour of the proposal and to allow the Minister to set aside the normal presumptions against development which would apply in this Green Zone.  Furthermore, they set this proposal aside from other proposals which might also seek to develop in the Island’s countryside. 

Policy C9 seeks to retain and enhance the contribution of trees and woodland areas to the landscape character and biodiversity of the Island and requires landscaping schemes to be carried out in connection with new development.  The proposed landscaping meets this criteria.

Land Use Implications 

Whilst the land is currently not built upon, the Environment Impact Statement has not identified any unacceptable consequences of such development.  The site has previously been used as a golf driving range and as a camp site. 

Size, Scale & Siting 

A full Design Statement has been submitted from which it is apparent that much thought has gone into the design of both the lodges themselves, the layout and the use of sustainable and energy efficient materials in both the construction and services. 

Access for disabled has been a consideration in the design and the area will be free of vehicular traffic except on drop off and pick days only. 

Design & Use of Materials 

The lodges are simple single storey timber structures and will use sustainable and energy efficient materials. Low-level lighting is proposed in this rural setting. The design is supported by the Department’s Architect. 

Impact on Neighbours 

The low-key nature of the use is not expected to have any adverse impact on neighbouring residential occupiers 

Access, Car parking and Highway Considerations 

Access and parking are to be provided to the north of the site by lowering the level of the field of Le Mont a la Brune.  However this is not considered to be significant or harmful.  

It is considered that the provision of a dedicated car park would mean that there is no car parking implications for the remainder of Les Ormes. Cycle racks are to be arranged for each lodge 

T&T Highways are keen to establish a cycle and pedestrian link to the Railway Walk. Currently there are land ownership matters and therefore this will be a condition that prior to the opening of the lodges this will be provided. The Environment Department support this requirement as it is considered that the development is to be approved as a suitable exception to the Island Plan policies there should be some public benefit. 

Foul Sewage Disposal 

To foul sewer. Surface water run-off to attenuation tanks 

Landscaping issues 

Landscaping has been designed to retain and enhance the existing landscaping even though the site needs to be re-contoured as there is a change in levels between the north and south parts of the site. This will be achieved by cut and fill and will have the benefit of providing acoustic screening of the site from the Airport. 

Planting is the crucial factor in this development if it is to achieve the high level of integration into the landscape that is required. There is already a strong line of pines to the east of the site and screening exists to the north alongside Le Mont a la Brune. 

A comprehensive scheme of planting has been submitted and it should be possible to plant semi-mature trees to supplement the existing mature planting.

However, further advice is awaited at the time of the report from the States Arborculturalist as there is some concern by the applicant’s Landscape Architect as to whether semi-mature trees are suitable in this location. 

The planting schedule includes trees, thicket, shrubs, climbers, ground cover and herbaceous perennials, decorative planting and bulbs. The setting of the lodges provides for meandering pathways, with focused amenity spaces a pond and other features.  Final agreement and conditions to be agreed with Environment. Most importantly the recommendations for mitigation in the Penny Anderson Associates report should be followed and this will be a condition of the any permission. 

It will be a condition of the permission that the landscape plan must be adhered to and a species list must be agreed with the Environment Department, 

Other Material Considerations  

Strategic Policy 

The agent  makes the following  supporting case: 

Also taken into account in the determination of this application are Policies contained within the States of Jersey Strategic Plan 2006-2011 which seek to maintain and enhance a strong, successful and environmentally sustainable economy.  The Plan recognises that greater emphasis is needed on matching the Jersey offering to current market requirements, whilst retaining characteristics that presence the existing tourism base. 

The Rural Economic Strategy 2005 recognises Jersey’s countryside as a strategic asset and a balance between economic stimulation and the preservation of the Island’s environmental and cultural heritage is promoted.  Innovative development is also encouraged that supports diverse activity that strengthens the rural economy, whilst respecting the landscape and the environment. 

Tourism is recognised as an important part of the Jersey economy and a product based upon the quality of the environment is to be promoted, especially where it relates to or adds to the Island’s distinctive landscape or its cultural or historic character.  As such Tourism has developed a strategy based on attracting first time younger visitors, activity based holidays with a lower cost and modern attractions.  It has been recognised that there is a need to increase the availability and range of accommodation to include the type of accommodation subject of this application, combined with activity holidays such as golfing, walking and cycling 

The Jersey Destination Audit 2006 encourages investment in self-catering accommodation and promotes the production of a specially designed Jersey cabin that can be used in appropriate locations. 

It is therefore clear that there is support from other Departments and this application responds to the long-term future strategies across the States as a whole.  

The concept of sustainability has informed the design process as has the improvement and enhancement of the site’s natural resources to improve biodiversity in the area.  This includes construction methods, renewable energy systems, and energy efficient materials aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the development.  A significant result of the proposal is considered to the enhancement of the site for local wildlife.  A planting scheme has been designed to provide biodiversity to enhance the contribution of the site and the area for native flora and fauna.










To be agreed with Environment but will include matters that will be covered by a CEMP; a method statement to be agreed prior to the commencement of works on the site, no additional soil etc to be brought on to the site, and the provision of a pedestrian link to a convenient bus stop and a cycle link to the Railway Walk prior to the opening of the lodges.



Background Papers

1:2500 Location Plan

Design Statement

Response of Environment on the EIA

Letters of representation

Letters from the architect

Responses from Environmental Health; Highways, Drainage, Environmental Protection Officer


Endorsed by:



7 August 2007



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