Commencement of public consultation on
Rural Economy Strategy 2011-2015:
Sustaining and Growing the Rural Economy
19 November 2010
Purpose of the Report
The current Rural Economy Strategy (RES) is a five-year strategy. It is designed to grow the rural economy in line with the objectives of the States Strategic Plan, whilst safeguarding Jersey’s countryside, its character and the environment. The RES recognises that economic sustainability of the rural sector depends on also providing positive environmental and social benefits.
The current RES was adopted until 31 December 2010 and specified that the strategy would be reviewed, to gauge if desired outcomes had been achieved and if the current policies are adequate and appropriate, with the objective of bringing forward a new five-year RES for 2011 to 2015. This process included the production of both Green and White Papers for consultation: ensuring that the changing needs and requirements of the Island’s rural economy are reflected and accommodated from 2011 onwards.
An Economic Affairs Scrutiny Sub-Panel: the Rural Economy Strategy Sub-Panel was established to consider the Rural Economy Strategy 2011-2015. Subsequent to calling upon the industry for evidence and once in receipt of the RES 2011-2015 White Paper, the Sub-Panel, in conjunction with an external adviser responded with a series of findings and recommendations to which the Minister for Economic Development is obliged to respond.
Following consideration of the findings and recommendations to the Rural Economy Strategy 2011-2015 White Paper, the Minister for Economic Development would like to publish his formal response.
The States of Jersey, adopting a proposition of the Economic Development Committee, referred to their Act dated 7th July 2004, in which they approved the Fiscal Strategy and agreed that a target for economic growth of 2% per annum should be set for the period 2005 to 2009. The Economic Development Committee was requested, in conjunction with other Committees as necessary, to bring forward, for approval by the States, a strategy for the delivery of this growth by February 2005; and referred to the 2005-2010 States Strategic Plan Objective 1.2.3 To develop a strategy which will explore and promote new opportunities for the rural economy, Objective 4.1.3 To protect and promote Jersey’s environment as one of its most important assets, and Objective 1.3.1 To reduce unnecessary regulation and bureaucracy in the Island.
The resulting five year Rural Economy Strategy 2005 is now up for review and will be superseded by a revised Rural Economy Strategy 2011-2015.
The Rural Economy Strategy2011-2015, with its triple bottom line of profit, people and environment, proposes a balance of support to the industry and keepers of our Island environment, to ensure sustainable development in the countryside. It builds on the RES 2005 and has broadened the remit of the original 2005 strategy to include areas not previously addressed: e.g. consideration of fisheries issues, the importance of skills development and the need for greater protection for soil and water.
The Rural Economy Strategy is a joint strategy between Economic Development and Planning and Environment and is endorsed by Ministers from each department.
The Minister for Economic Development is in a position to present his response to the Rural Economy Strategy Sub-Panel’s report. The response will be presented to the Chair of the Sub-Panel, the Council of Ministers and States Members, so that it may be published and circulated to the media in accordance with recognised protocols for media release relating to matters presented to the States.
Written by: | Director Environmental Management and Rural Economy |
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Approved by: | CEO Economic Development |
19 November 2010