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The Colombier, Samares Manor, St. Clement - Historic Building Grants 2008

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A decision made (16.05.08) to offer an Historic Building Grant to The Colombier, Samares Manor, St. Clement.

Decision Ref:



Historic Buildings Grants 2008 (to end of April)  - The Colombier, Samares Manor, St Clement                                                (9)

Decision Summary Title:

DS - Historic Buildings Grants 2008 (to end of April) - The Colombier, Samares Manor, St Clement

DS Author:

Janet Dore – Principal Historic Buildings Advisor

DS Date:

1 May 2008

DS Status:


Written Report Title:

WR – Historic Buildings Grants 2008 (to end of April)

WR Author:

Janet Dore – Principal Historic Buildings Advisor

WR Date

1 May 2008

WR Status:


Oral Rapporteur:

Janet Dore – Principal Historic Buildings Advisor


The Minister for Planning and Environment determined that;

  1. The grant of £3,192.25p offered late in 2007 be offered again on similar terms as previously.

Reason(s) for Decision:

Those applications to be awarded grants under the Historic Buildings Grant scheme satisfy the criteria for the scheme and the restoration and repair of the historic fabric of these buildings contributes towards the attainment of the Minister’s objectives and obligations under law and international convention, as well as contributing to the objectives of the States Strategic Plan.

Legal and Resource Implications:

The Minister may make funds available by way of grant to the owner or occupiers of SSIs or any other site or building where he is satisfied that it is in the public interest of so doing under Article 56 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. The Historic Building Grant Scheme is operated in accord with the relevant Financial Codes of Direction and a budget of £60,000 is available in 2008.

Action required:

  1. Make the grant offer





Minister for Planning and Environment

Date Signed:


Date of Decision (If different to Date Signed):


The Colombier, Samares Manor, St. Clement - Historic Building Grants 2008


Item No:       




Historic Building Grants Allocation 2008 – As at 30th April



Purpose of the Report

This report brings back to the Minister the applications for Historic Building Grants to hand at the end of April 2008 with recommendations on allocations for his consideration and decision. When this report was first presented, the Minister declined to make any decision until information was sought from each applicant as to whether the work would progress without grant funding. That question was asked and the report was brought back with that additional information added (in italic script).The Minister subsequently asked for further clarification in respect of whether applicant could or could not afford to carry out the work without a grant. The responses to that question have now been added to the report along with further applications which have been received since the original report was completed.



Grants for the repair and restoration of registered buildings have been available since 1995, albeit with an increasingly reduced level of funding: there is a budget allocation of £60,000 available to be expended by 31 December 2008. In the past allocations and offers have been dealt with by officers, under delegation. The Minister has, however, asked that he make the decisions to award grants.


In making his first consideration of the matter this year, the Minister raised the issue of applicant’s ability to fund the work and asked for clarification from each of them. He also wished to consider other options to ensure that funding was made best use of. To that end, two pieces of information have come to hand as follows –

            A report to the then Planning Sub-committee on the subject of historic buildings grants dated 14th April 2003 which notes that “There was some early criticism that grants were being given to people who could well afford to carry out repairs, but the Committee has always resisted the application of means tests as these are invasive, difficult to manage and tend to create animosity, the exact opposite of the underlying purpose of the scheme.”


In addition to this, the Countryside Renewal Scheme (Environment Department) details on the website have been studied and there does not appear to be any reference to the means of the landowner or tenant. In fact, under ‘Who can apply’ it states that “This Scheme is available to anyone managing agricultural land or natural uncultivated areas that may or may not be actively managed at the time of the application.”  The budget for this scheme is several hundred thousand pounds per year – far in excess of the sixty thousand pounds available for historic buildings.


The Minister also asked that officers contacted the Treasury in connection with the current requirement for works to be completed and payment made by year end without the facility to roll over committed funds. This has been done and the reply has been forwarded to the Minister. In short the reply was that there was no opportunity to change the status quo.


Fifteen applications for assistance have been received so far this year. It was initially proposed that they be determined as a first tranche to enable the progression of works and to provide them with the best chance of completion before the year end (thus enabling the full expenditure of grant allocation) however as no decision have yet been made, the later applications have been added to this report. These have all been considered and assessed against the published criteria for the award of grants as follows –

a)     The importance and prominence of the building

b)     The architectural or historical value of the building

c)      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building

d)     The nature and urgency of the work

e)     The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds


Details and assessment notes of the proposed works, their eligibility and suitability for grant is detailed in the attached appendix (appendix 1). The applications are presented in outline, for discussion, below.



Details of the applications received are set out in summary below (and detailed at appendix 1, as attached) –



Property and status

Proposed works


Will work be done if no grant aid available?/ can ‘you’ afford to do the work without grant aid?

Value of works

Value of eligible grant and recommendation


Maitland, La Grande Route de St Jean, St John

Repair and re-roof pig sties and outbuildings


No / No


Offer £3,830
(@ 40%)
subject to permits and conditions


West Park House, St Helier

Repair and restoration of railings


Grant should relate to heritage value of building / No


Offer c£7,500
subject to further estimate and conditions


Oak Cottage, Old Road, Gorey Village,

Replacement windows


No / No


Offer £5,001.90
(@ 30%)
subject to permits and conditions


17 West Park Ave, St Helier

Repair of windows & roof


Delay so further deterioration / No



(@ 30%) subject to permit for roof and conditions


Les Arches, Chesnut Farm, St Helier

Repoint entrance arches


No / No


Offer £262.50
(@ 30%)
subject to conditions


Millbrook Manor, St Lawrence

Replace part of roof


Not without borrowing / No


Offer £7,500
subject to permits and conditions


40 Bath Street, St Helier

Re-roofing and shopfront repair


Cost in excess of annual rent so unlikely / No reply to date


Offer £5,394.60
(@ 30%)
subject to queries, permits and conditions


12 Grosvenor Ter, St Helier

Internal stair repair

(Internal repair to BLI)


No offer


Samares Manor, St Clement

Re-roof colombier


No reply but formal offer was made last year / No reply to date


Offer £3,192.25
(@ 30%)
on same terms as previously


Augres Hall, Oaklands Lane, St Helier

Replace windows


No / No


Offer £7,500

subject to conditions


O’Connell House

45 Rouge Bouillon

St Helier


Paint woodwork and railings

(Routine maintenance)


No offer



8 Parade Road

St Helier


Replace box gutters


Offer c£2,448

Subject to further quotes and to conditions


La Pelotte

La Rue a la Don



External painting / limewash

(Routine maintenance)




The Glen

La Grande route de la Cote

St Clement


Ridge tiles




41 Belmont Road

St Helier


Replacement windows

No costings submitted

No offer (but may be reported again if info rec’d)








Of the fifteen grant applications, several need further work – involving the provision of additional estimates and/or the award of planning permission - before a final offer can be made, but in order to provide some certainty and to allow contractors to be booked, the Minister is asked to consider the principle of awarding grant, based on the information available and, subject to the acceptance of the principle of awarding grant, to delegate the final determination of the amount of grant, to officers.


Where the cases do not require further work the Minister is asked to determine the recommendations.


It is relevant to note that the award of grant, in accord with the recommendations made would, on the basis of current information, relate to a total level expenditure on the restoration and/or repair of the historic built fabric of just over £277,000 for an expenditure of just under £46,000 of public grant monies (a leverage rate of public: private funds of 1:5).


On the assumption that grant is offered and accepted by the applicants, as set out, this would leave a balance of approximately £14,000 in the Historic Buildings Grant budget for 2008.


Legal and financial implications

The Minister may make funds available by way of grant to the owner or occupiers of SSIs or any other site or building where he is satisfied that it is in the public interest of so doing under Article 56 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. The Historic Building Grant Scheme is operated in accord with the relevant Financial Codes of Direction and a budget of £60,000 is available in 2008.



On the basis of the above, and with regard to the detailed assessments and recommendations relating to each application set out in appendix 1, the Minister for Planning and Environment is recommended to


1 Award grants as set out in appendix 1(subject to conditions) in support of the proposed works at Les Arches, Samares Manor, Augres Hall respectively:


2 In those cases where additional work is required to finally determine the acceptability of the proposals and the value of any grant – specifically those cases at Maitland, St John; West Park House, St Helier; Oak Cottage, Gorey; 17 West Park Ave, St Helier ; Millbrook Manor, St Lawrence; 40 Bath Street, St Helier; Lynwood, 8 Parade Road, St Helier - to delegate authority to determine the final award and amount of any grant to the Assistant Director Policy and Projects.

3 In the cases of the applications for grant assistance at 12 Grosvenor Ter, , O’Connell House, and 41 Belmont Street, St Helier to refuse the applications.


4 Note that applications in respect of La Pelotte, Grouville and The Glen, St Clement have been withdrawn.


Reason(s) for Decision

Those applications to be awarded grants under the Historic Buildings Grant scheme satisfy the criteria for the scheme and the restoration and repair of the historic fabric of these buildings contributes towards the attainment of the Minister’s objectives and obligations under law and international convention, as well as contributing to the objectives of the States Strategic Plan.


Action Required

  The Principal Historic Building Officer is to liaise with applicants to secure the relevant information and/or permissions before the award of grant, where relevant, and otherwise to formalise the offer of grant, subject to the normal conditions;

  A media release to be prepared to invite a second round of applications


Written by:

Janet Dore, Principal Historic Buildings Advisor



Approved by: 

Kevin Pilley, Assistant Director, Policy and Projects



Endorsed by:




Appendix 1    Historic Building Grants 2008 (to end April)

Assessment schedule



File ref: 3/04/03

31 January 2008 / revised 21 February 2008/ new version 1 May 2008



Appendix 1

Historic Building Grants 2008 (to end of April)

Assessment schedule

1.      Maitland, La Grande Route de St Jean (JN0014) is a SSI and grant aid is sought to repair and re-roof the pig sties and an outbuilding. The lowest of 3 estimates submitted is for £9,600. No application for planning or SSI consent has been submitted to cover the work. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the group is listed as a SSI and the buildings form an integral part of that group.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – pig sties and farm buildings form an integral part of Jersey farm groups and need to be protected from decay.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repair and most importantly a sound roof will ensure the survival of these buildings as part of the group.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – SSI / planning permission will be required to ensure that the re-roofing is proposed and detailed appropriately; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That subject to the necessary permits being obtained and to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £3,830 be offered being 40% of the lowest estimate.


2.      West Park House, St Aubins Road, St Helier (HE1637) The owner is seeking grant aid towards the repair and restoration of the railings which are part of the pSSI covering the length of railings along the road and which have benefited from grant aid in other areas. Only one quote has been submitted for £112,000 though others are promised. The sum covers work to the railings with further sums for wall cleaning and repointing not considered to be grant eligible. No permissions are considered necessary as this is a repair and no alterations are involved. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the structure – the railings are protected as pSSI and are extremely prominent.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the structure – the railings have been identified as having high interest.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the structure – much of this stretch of railings is in poor repair and as each section is in different ownership works are done on a piecemeal basis. Other sections have benefited from financial assistance and it is considered that this should continue here.

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repair will ensure the survival of these railings as part of the whole.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – Further quotes will be necessary to ensure that the best value is obtained; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – that the owner be asked to submit at least 1 other estimate so that prices can be compared. Subject to the receipt of that further estimate and to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant be offered at the rate of 30% of the lower figure for work to the railings only as cleaning and repointing is not considered eligible for grant aid. (On the current estimate that offer would be £7,500)


3.      Oak Cottage, Old Road, Gorey (GR0239) The owner is seeking grant aid for the replacement of 9 windows to the front of the property and in addition further window and a door to the rear of this BLI. No planning permission has been sought for the work and the single quote submitted at £16,673 is priced for single glazing which may need special clearance under the Building Bylaws. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – The building is registered as a BLI and the front has an impact on the streetscape.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – As a BLI with a strong frontage there is a clear contribution to the area.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above in respect of the front.

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – Deterioration of windows is something that comes to planning regularly and stands to be dealt with the keep the building comfortably habitable.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – planning permission will be required for the replacement works and clarification is needed as to whether single glazing will be acceptable under the Bylaws; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That the principle of grant aid be agreed at the rate of 30% subject to the necessary permits being obtained and the issue relating to the Bylaws being resolved, and to the normal conditions being imposed. (On the current information the offer would be £5,001.90p)


4.      17 West Park Avenue, St Helier (HE0511) The owner is seeking grant aid for the repair of windows and the roof of this BLI. No  planning permission is required for the windows as the works are repairs but the roof works are more extensive and will need planning permission to ensure that the work is proposed and detailed appropriately. Four quotes have been submitted, two for the windows and two for the roof, and lowest being £4,325 and £6,720 respectively making a total of £11,045. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the building is a BLI and the works are repairs.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – As a prominent BLI repairs are to be encouraged.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repair and most importantly a sound roof will ensure the survival of this.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – Repair is preferred over replacement so this work can be encouraged; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That subject to the necessary permit being obtained and to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £3,313.50p be offered being 30% of the lowest estimates.


5.      Les Arches, Chestnut Farm, St Johns Road, St Helier (HE1005) The owner is seeking grant aid for the repointing of the entrance arches using a lime mortar. No permissions are required for this repair work and of the 3 quotes submitted, the lowest is for £875. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the group is listed as a pSSI and the arches are very prominent.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – these triple arches an uncommon and very ‘Jersey’ feature.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repointing will ensure the survival of these arches as part of the group and the streetscape.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – the necessary information is to hand; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That subject to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £262.50p be offered being 30% of the lowest estimate.


6.      Millbrook Manor, Rue de Haut, St Lawrence (LA0111) The owner has been in correspondence with Stuart Fell regarding grant aid previously but no funds were available for the replacement for the eastern part of the roof. A new application for assistance has been submitted for this work to the pSSI though no application for planning permission has been made. Three quotes have been submitted for the work of which the lowest is for £44,481. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the group is listed as a pSSI and is one of the Islands Manors.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – this is a large and imposing building which needs to be kept in good repair.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – most importantly a sound roof will ensure the survival of this building.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds –planning permission will be required to ensure that the re-roofing is proposed and detailed appropriately; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That subject to the necessary permit being obtained, and to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £7,500 be offered being the maximum grant available for a building registered as a pSSI.


7.      40 Bath Street, St Helier (HE0032) This application is made on behalf of the owner for the repair of the shopfront and re-roofing the property which is a BLI. No planning permission has been sought for the re-roofing though it is required to ensure that works are proposed and detailed correctly, and there are a small number of queries relating to specified materials which need to be resolved. Three quotes have been submitted, the lowest being for £17,982. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the building is registered as a BLI and the building is prominent in the streetscape.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – this visible building has a good shopfront and repair and re-roofing will support the retention in viable use.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repair and most importantly a sound roof will ensure the survival of this building as part of the street.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – / planning permission will be required to ensure that the re-roofing is proposed and detailed appropriately and the minor queries will need to be resolved; funds are currently available.

Recommendation – That subject to the satisfactory resolution of the queries, obtaining of the necessary permit, and to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £5,394.60p be offered being 30% of the lowest estimate.


8.      12 Grosvenor Terrace, Grosvenor Street, St Helier (HE1484) This property is a BLI and the works for which grant aid is sought relate to the repair of an internal staircase. No planning permission is needed for the work as the interior of a BLI is not subject to planning control. One quote has been submitted for £1,267. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the building is registered as a BLI but the works in question are entirely internal.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – is not affected by the works.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as a BLI, none.

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – repair of internal elements of a BLI provide no public benefit.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – internal works to a BLI are outside planning control and provide no public benefit.

Recommendation – As the works relate to the interior of a BLI over which there is no control, and there is no public benefit in terms of appreciation of the change, the recommendation in this case is that no grant be offered.


9. The Colombier, Samares Manor, La Grande Route de St Clement (CL0085) This property is a pSSI and the colombier is near to the main road. Permits have been issued for its re-roofing following advice from Warwick Rodwell. An offer of grant was made last year but due to inclement weather the work was not able to be commenced. Due to the importance of colombiers in Jersey, the applicant has been invited to resubmit and the work is waiting to start pending a decision on this grant based on the offer letter of last year.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the building is registered as a pSSI and colombiers are particularly significant to Jersey manors. The site is open to the public so it can be widely appreciated.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – as above.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – Dr Warwick Rodwell provided advice on the form of the roof which follows broadly the traditional form though there is no bird access as no birds will be kept.

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – the re-roofing of the structure will protect it from further deterioration.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – grant aid was offered last year but work was not commenced. As this is considered an important structure it has been brought forward to this year.

Recommendation – That grant aid be offered from the 2008 fund on the same terms and in the same sum as was offered in the latter part of last year, namely a 30% grant amounting to £3,192.25p.


10. Augres Hall, Oaklands Lane, St Helier (HE0365) This large and imposing house is a BLI and has in the past been fitted with wholly inappropriate windows. The new owner is seeking grant aid to replace these with much more appropriate models and has obtained the necessary permit to do so. Three quotes have been submitted, the lowest being for £45,738. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

a.      The importance and prominence of the building – the building is registered as a BLI and is quite imposing. The current windows are very obvious and ‘wrong’.

b.      The architectural or historical value of the building – will be greatly increased when the work is completed.

c.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above.

d.      The nature and urgency of the work – the existing windows are inappropriate and in some cases in poor order so attention is clearly required.

e.      The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – the necessary permits are in place; funds are available.


Recommendation – That subject to the normal conditions being imposed, a grant of £7,500 be offered being the maximum available for a property registered as a BLI.


11 O’Connell House, 45 Rouge Bouillon, St Helier (HE1374) This property is a SSI and the grant is sought for painting exterior woodwork and railings. The grant booklet specifically notes that routine maintenance is not eligible for grant aid.

Recommendation – That no grant be offered.


12 Lynwood, 8 Parade Road, St Helier (HE1279) This house is a BLI and has timber box gutters which are traditional to the town for properties of that period. Those gutters are notorious for failing and allowing the timber to rot and are much less easy to repair than a normal metal eaves gutter. Only one quote has been submitted in the sum of £ 8,159.99p and before a specific figure were offered, at least one more quote would be required for comparison. No record of a previous grant having been paid has been found.

In relation to the criteria –

f.        The importance and prominence of the building – the building is registered as a BLI and is slightly set back from the road behind a small garden.

g.      The architectural or historical value of the building – will be protected by the repair of this traditional but difficult feature.

h.      The extent to which the works enhance the architectural or historical significance of the building – as above.

i.        The nature and urgency of the work – faulty gutters lead to damp ingress and damage to wider parts of the property so their repair is an urgent necessity to protect the whole.

j.         The circumstances of the application and the availability of funds – a further quote is required; funds are available.

Recommendation – That subject to the normal conditions being imposed, and a further quote being submitted, a grant in the region of £2,448 be offered.


13 La Pelotte, La Rue a la Don, Grouville (GR0048) This property is a pSSI and the grant was sought for repainting the exterior with limewash. The grant booklet specifically notes that routine maintenance is not eligible for grant aid. The application has been withdrawn.

Recommendation – Noted.


14 The Glen, La Grande Route de la Cote, St Clement (CL 0010) This property is a BLI and the grant was sought for replacing crested ridge tiles. The application has been withdrawn.

Recommendation – Noted.


15 41 Belmont Road, St Helier (HE0798) This property is a BLI and grant aid is sought for replacement windows. The applicant is awaiting planning permission and has not submitted any costing for the work.

Recommendation – That no grant be offered but the papers be kept on file pending receipt of the necessary supporting information to enable the matter to be reported later in the year.






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